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In this experiment the absorption of the laser radiation impinging on polymeric films with Au nanoparticles implanted in surface was studied. By varying the polarization and the incidence angle of the laser radiation on target, the role in the laser absorption of both excitation of surface plasmons and excitation of electronic plasma waves at critical density through resonant absorption was highlighted. In conditions of p-polarized laser irradiations at 10 15 W/cm 2 intensity, resonant absorption can be induced in films enhancing proton and ion acceleration. Plasma on-line diagnostics is based on SiC detectors. Measurements of kinetic energy of accelerated ions indicate a significant increment using p-polarized laser light with respect to no-polarized light irradiation.
Publication date: 
1 Sep 2016

Danilo Giulietti, L Calcagno, Alessandro Curcio, M Cutroneo, Mario Galletti, J Skala, L Torrisi, M Zimbone

Biblio References: 
Volume: 829 Pages: 117-120
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment