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Publication date: 
1 Jan 2019

Mr Stephan Aussen, Christoph Baeumer, Philip Bartlett, Miss Alexandra Berg, Marco Bernasconi, Mr Yorick Birkhölzer, Ulrich Böttger, Mr Thorben Böger, Mrs Jacqueline Marie Börgers, Stefano Brivio, Simon Brown, Geoffrey Burr, Monica Burriel, Mr Emanuel Carlos, Changhwan Choi, Mr Felix Cüppers, Ms Sweety Deswal, Jonas Deuermeier, Regina Dittmann, Mr Fabian Draber, Hongchu Du, Cina Foroutan-Nejad, Mr Carsten Funck, Ella Gale, Paschalis Gkoupidenis, Mr Yago Gonzalez-Velo, Ms Anouk Goossens, Ludovic Goux, Detlev Grützmacher, Mr Alexander Gutsche, Masa-aki Haga, Mr Sebastian Hambsch, Mr Qinghua Han, Mr Alexander Hardtdegen

Biblio References: 
Volume: 213 Pages: 595-597
Faraday Discuss