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Fostered by the top power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of lab-scale devices, industrialization of perovskite solar cells is underway. Nevertheless, the intrinsically poor stability of these materials still represents a major concern. Herein, inspired by Nature, the use of β-carotene in perovskite solar cells is proposed to mimic its role as a protective pigment, as occurs in natural photosynthesis. Laser-mediated photostability (LMPS) assessment, Fourier-transform infrared spectra analysis acquired in attenuate total reflectance (ATR-FTIR), spectroscopy ellipsometry (SE), and time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) measurements under stress conditions prove that the inclusion of a thin β-carotene interlayer promotes a high improvement in the photostability of the perovskite films against photooxidation. Importantly, this is accompanied by an improvement of the solar cell PCE that approaches 20% efficiency with no …
American Chemical Society
Publication date: 
29 Dec 2023

Francesco Bisconti, Mauro Leoncini, Salvatore Gambino, Nadir Vanni, Sonia Carallo, Francesca Russo, Vincenza Armenise, Andrea Listorti, Silvia Colella, Salvatore Valastro, Alessandra Alberti, Giovanni Mannino, Aurora Rizzo

Biblio References: 
Volume: 18 Issue: 2 Pages: 1573-1581
ACS nano