The so-called ‘kagome’ lattices are made by two-dimensional (2D) lattices of corner-sharing triangles, consisting of 3d transition metal atoms (T: Fe, Mn, Co) with space-filling atoms (X: Sn, Ge) at the centre of the hexagon, to form binaries TmXn compounds. They typically show the simultaneous existence of Dirac fermions, flat bands and van Hove singularities in their electronic structures. Such a rich interplay between topology and correlated phenomena, provides interesting platforms towards unconventional magnetic and/or superconducting states, making kagome magnets extremely attracting for a wide range of applications. As of today, several open fundamental questions are unresolved, requiring a deep understanding of the atomic scale chemical, structural and magnetic properties of TmXn materials. Within this proposal we aim at addressing some of them, by making use of emission Mo ssbauer spectroscopy at ISOLDE/CERN with the help of radioactive 57Mn and 119In probes.
Contact: Roberto Mantovan