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Sponsor:  Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems


Scope:  To promote, recognize, and support early career technical development within the IMM's field of interest: Micro- and Nano-devices through functional materials


Eligibility:  Nominees must have by application deadline of September 15, 2024 a maximum of ten years of research experience (excluding career interruptions) following the award of the PhD degree. Self-nominations are not accepted or considered. Members of the Award Committee are not permitted to submit or endorse nominations.


Prize: The award consists of a plaque and 2.000€


Basis for judging:  The basis for judging includes such factors as: the demonstration of field leadership in a specific area; specific technical contribution(s); impact on the field; originality; breadth; inventive value; publications; honors; and other appropriate achievements.  


Early Career Award Committee: 

Award Committee Chair:

Dr. Raffaella Calarco (IMM Rome)

Award Committee Members

Prof Angela Rizzi (University of Goettingen) 

Prof. Wei Zhang (University of Xi’an) 

Dr. Filippo Giannazzo (IMM Catania)

Dr. Roberto Rella (IMM Lecce)


Nomination deadline: September 15, 2024


Nomination form:  A nomination for the prizes must contain the following.

  • A cover letter of not more than 1000 words by the nominator evaluating the nominee’s contributions and identifying the specific work to be recognized (up to 4 publications).
  • A citation for the prize (not more than 25 words).
  • A short CV of the nominee (not more than 3 pages).
  • A list of publications.
  • Two additional letters of endorsement of the nomination.

The nomination must be prepared in English and combined into a single PDF file, which is to be sent by Sept 15, 2024 as an email attachment to raffaella.calarco@artov.imm.cnr.it

Selection outcome will be finalized by October 15, 2024.


Presentation: The prize will be awarded during the IMM Award Ceremony to be held at the CNR Sede Centrale, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, in Rome, Italy on December 16, 2024.