Instrumentation on geostationary satellites is now rapidly approaching the spectral quality and accuracy of modern sensors flying on polar platforms. Currently at the core of EUMETSAT geostationary meteorological programme is the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG). However EUMETSAT is preparing for Meteosat Third Generation (MTG). As a part of the MTG payload, the satellite will fly the MTG hyperspectral infrared sounder (MTG-IRS), which will observe the upwelling radiance at the top of the atmosphere at a spectral resolution of approximately 0.625 cm− 1 in two broad bands, namely the LWIR band extending from 700 to 1210 cm− 1 and the MWIR band extending from 1600 to 2175 cm− 1. In order to provide a full exploitation of these data, it is important to develop a suitable scene analysis methodology to discriminate clear areas from those cloudy. The methodology should be aimed at developing a MTG-IRS stand alone day-night cloud detection scheme. In fact, this is an important step to yield well qualified sets of clear-sky MTG-IRS spectra to be used to accomplish out the main mission objective of MTG-IRS, that is to provide frequent information of the atmospheric state, in particular moisture and temperature. Cloud detection is also related to the possible additional end uses of MTG-IRS observations, such as the support to operational atmospheric chemistry applications through the provision of Ozone and CO information. Towards this objective, it is important to stress that the MTG instrumental quality of high spectral resolution will make it possible to observe full spectra, which will contain the unique spectral feature or signature of the …
Publication date:
1 Jan 2013
Biblio References:
EUMETSAT, Darmstadt