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A completely numerical method, named digital self-referencing holography, is described to easily accomplish a quantitative phase microscopy for microfluidic devices by a digital holographic microscope. The approach works through an appropriate numerical manipulation of the retrieved complex wavefront. The self-referencing is obtained by folding the retrieved wavefront in the image plane. The folding operation allows us to obtain the correct phase map by subtracting from the complex region of interest a flat area outside the microfluidic channel. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the method, quantitative phase maps of bovine spermatozoa and in vitro cells are retrieved.
Optical Society of America
Publication date: 
15 Oct 2010

G Coppola, G Di Caprio, M Gioffré, R Puglisi, D Balduzzi, A Galli, L Miccio, M Paturzo, S Grilli, A Finizio, P Ferraro

Biblio References: 
Volume: 35 Issue: 20 Pages: 3390-3392
Optics letters