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Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) is one of the first discovered nonlinear optical effects: a pump laser beam enters a nonlinear medium and spontaneous generation and amplification lead to a beam at a frequency different from the pump. SRS is dependent on the pump intensity and on a gain coefficient g, which depends on material scattering efficiency: the larger the spontaneous scattering efficiency of materials is, the higher the Raman gain for a given intensity is obtained. As a general rule, there is a trade-off between gain and bandwidth in all laser gain materials: line-width is bought at the expense of peak gain. Of course, this is true for bulk solids, but the question is what happens at nanoscale?Nonlinear optics at nanoscale is a recent fascinating research field. Stimulated Raman scattering in electrons-confined and photons-confined materials is of great importance from both fundamental and applicative point of view. Concerning the fundamental one, there have been a number of investigations both experimental and theoretical, but the question is still “open”, while from an applicative point of view, there are some important prospective, for example to realize micro/nano source, with improved performances.
Rijeka, Croatia: InTech
Publication date: 
29 Feb 2012
Biblio References: 
Pages: 53-70
Nonlinear Optics