ASTROMAT is a project funded under the AFOSR Human Performance Program and involves two CNR Institutes (CNR-DSCTM-ISOF and CNR-DSFTM-IMM) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/RHPB).
The aim of the project is to define and characterize 2D/3D in vitro astroglial functional cell culture model. To this end ASTROMAT will develop nanostructured interface that will promote morphological, molecular and functional properties that astrocytes display in vivo. The latter will be coupled or integrated in microelectrode array and electrochemical devices to monitor and understand the diverse astrocytes physiology in a new in vivo-like-in vitro environment. Once the model will be defined by CNR, its suitability to predict and define effectiveness and toxicology of nanomedicine approaches will be explored AFRL Labs. ASTROMAT results will impact of different disciplines including Neuroscience, Neurobiology Neurophysiology, Nanomedicine, and Nanotecnology.
Contact: Dr. Annalisa Convertino (annalisa.convertino@cnr.it) and Dr. Guglielmo Fortunato (guglielmo.fortunato@cnr.it)