L’Istituto autonomo Villa Adriana e Villa d’Este – VILLAE, in partnership con il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica dell'Università Tor Vergata e con l'Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi del CNR, ha ottenuto un finanziamento nella Call per il Distretto Tecnologico per le nuove...
The European project GaN4AP aims at making GaN-based electronics the main technology in all power converter systems.To reach this ambitious goal, the project has four main objectives:
1. Develop innovative power conversion systems based on state-of-the-art GaN-based High Electron...
Il progetto COOLTURE "Sviluppo di una teCnologia di tOmOgrafia a Microonde appLicata al patrimonio culTURalE dell’Istituto VA-VE" è stato finanziato dalla Regione Lazio nell'ambito dell'Avviso Progetti di...
L’obiettivo principale di MiaCasa consiste nella progettazione e realizzazione di alloggi prefabbricati in legno, ideati in modo da garantire una rapida movimentazione e posa in opera atta a rispondere ad emergenze abitative in occasione di eventi naturali e/o sociali. Gli alloggi verranno...
Il progetto DIANA, "Le potenzialità DIAgnostiche del disordine: sviluppo di una piattaforma NAnostrutturata innovativa per l'analisi rapida, label-free e a basso costo di DNA genomico" è stato finanziato dalla Regione Lazio nell'ambito del bando...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a set of neurodevelopmental conditions characterised by a lifelong impairment, varying in degree, of three basic areas in the psychological development of children: limited social interaction, impaired or altered communication, and limited activities and...
POR FESR 2014 -2020 Regione Lazio
Avviso pubblico “Progetti Strategici 2019”
Fragili – CUP B84I20001900002
POR FESR 2014 -2020 Regione Lazio
A.E.P.M.B.T. – CUP...
Project title: NanoFabNet – International Hub for sustainable industrial-scale Nanofabrication
NanoFabNet is an international hub for sustainable nanofabrication whose structure,...
This is the third core project of the Graphene Flagship. It forms the fourth phase of the FET flagship and is characterized by a continued transition towards higher technology readiness levels, without jeopardizing our strong commitment to fundamental research...
The reliable production of innovative nanoelectronic devices requires continuous, real-time in-line control. The metrology tools required to accurately characterise products at the relevant scales of one to hundreds of nanometres have yet to be developed....
The past four decades demonstrated that non-neuronal cells, called astrocytes are emerging as crucial players for brain function & dysfunction. A major obstacle of previous and current initiatives on Neurotechnologiesis a lack of focus on astrocytes and most of the tools used to probe and...
Ammonia is one of the most important chemicals but its production requires an energy intensive process, responsible for about 1-2% of total CO2 emissions worldwide. Ammonia is also potentially a formidable energy vector, with large hydrogen content, high energy volumetric density and, unlike H2...
In our brain, close range interactions among electrically active neurons builds up a collective input-specific response to external stimuli able to trigger efficient cognitive tasks, like classification, decision-making and perception. In the same way, interacting nano-oscillators will be used...
Neural processing in the nervous system occurs naturally over multiple time scales ranging from milliseconds (axonal transmission) to seconds (spoken phrases) and much longer intervals (motor learning).
In MeM-Scales we aim at building a novel class of neuromorphic computing...