The PECSYS project seeks to demonstrate a system for the solar driven electrochemical hydrogen generation with an area >10 m² and a solar-to-hydrogen efficiency of >6% that is stable for six month and showing a degradation below <10%.
The PECSYS project seeks to demonstrate a system for the solar driven electrochemical hydrogen generation with an area >10 m² and a solar-to-hydrogen efficiency of >6% that is stable for six month and showing a degradation below <10%.
Challenge is a HORIZON 2020 project financed under the NMBP (Nanotechnologies, advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Production) work programme that studies growth, processing and devices in cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC).
3C-SiC technology can have a...
PRESS RELEASE: Challenge - New power devices for electric vehicles kicked off!
Challenge project kicked off with a successful meeting on January 23 in Brussels.
Challenge is a HORIZON 2020 project financed under the...
The project beyond-nano is proposing the establishment of a research infrastructure seamlessly integrated with the best skills of southern Italy CNR’s structures in the field of advanced materials and nanotechnology. The structures involved are: Institute...
NANOMEMS-X is an industrial research project presented by IMAMOTER - C.N.R. and approved the "Call for strategic industrial research projects targeted at priority areas of smart specialization strategy" (DGR 774/2015) within the POR FESR EMILIA-ROMAGNA 2014/2020 Asse 1 Azione 1.2.2
SMEDIP is an industrial research project presented by MIST ER Consortium and approved on the "Call for strategic industrial research projects targeted at priority areas of smart specialization strategy" (DGR 774/2015) within the POR FESR 2014-2020 EMILIA-ROMAGNA Asse 1 Azione 1.2.2
The main objective of the project is to study the possibility to use Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPADs) optically coupled to scintillating fibers as a novel type of gamma-ray detector for space applications. The next generation of high energy gamma-ray space telescopes will need...
In fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), a map of the emission lifetime in a cell is obtained. The goal of the PARAFLUO project is to develop and bring to the market a new optoelectronic system for sFLIM of fast dynamical processes in cells and tissues, based on a new...
The goal of this project is to develop an advanced sensor system, that combines miniaturized Gas Chromatography (GC) as its key chemical separation tool, and Hollow-Fiber-based Infra Red Absorption Spectroscopy (HF-IRAS) as its key analytical tool to recognize and detect illicit drugs,...
The objective of HI-QUAD is the development of technologies for the fabrication of an innovative four whiles vehicle for urban mobility. This vehicle will have an hybrid power train.
The CNR-IMM of Bologna and Catania are involved in the design and fabrication by batch...
The objective of FLEXSOLAR (Low cost and low environmental impact, flexible thin film solar cells based on II-VI semiconductors) is to develop an innovative technology for the fabrication of II- VI semiconductors thin film PV on flexible metallic substrates, which is...
ASTROMAT is a project funded under the AFOSR Human Performance Program and involves two CNR Institutes (CNR-DSCTM-ISOF and CNR-DSFTM-IMM) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/RHPB).
The aim of the project is to define and characterize 2D/3D in vitro astroglial...
The Project “Design and Test of Micro-fabricated microwave probes for magneticmaterials characterization”, is a joint research project co-funded by Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs General Directorate for Country Cultural Promotion in the context of the "Executive Protocol of Cooperation...
Nanomicrowave is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) aiming to train a new generation of multidisciplinary researchers in the field of nanoscale microwave technologies and related emerging applications. The consortium consists of three industrial partners: Agilent (Linz, Austria),...
Our aim is to develop a new tool for subsurface analysis that will push the measurement of subsurface structures at the nanoscale to a limit never reached before. The consortium will develop and commercialise a 3D hybrid Scanning Probe Microscope platform (referred to as Volumetric Scanning...