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LightJumps – An efficient and effective platform for the cooperation of photonics clusters and the exploitation of European SMEs potential


Photonics is a key innovation driver in many research and application areas like telecommunications, lighting, entertainment, laser-assisted manufacturing and sensors. Europe is a leading actor in the photonics sector, responsible of 20.3% of the global production, and it is paramount...

Two-Dimensional Crystals for a Quantum Spin Hall Insulator Electronics (CrystEL)

CrystEL is a project founded by the joint call of the Fondazione CARIPLO and Regione Lombarda for an incremented  attractivity and competitiveness...

MIUR - SAPERE-SAFE: Space Advance Project Excellence in Research and Enterprise - Space Asset For Emergency: Space Systems for Observation for Emergency Management

Space Advance Project Excellence in Research and Enterprise: SAFE (Space Asset For Emergency): Space Systems for Observation for Emergency Management STRONG (Sistemi Tecnologie e Ricerche per l'Operatività Nazionale Globale): space exploration and access, development of technologies for electric...

ESA Contract AO/1-5288/06/NL/GLC on "High Reliability MEMS Redundancy Switch”


The objective of this activity was to demonstrate the applicability of European MEMS technology to high reliability RF redundancy switches for space applications. A breadboard of a MEMS Single Pole Double Thru (SPDT) redundancy switch shall has been designed, manufactured and tested...


NanoEmbrace (http://www.nanoembrace.eu/) is an ITN Marie Skłodowska-Curie project under the EU Framework Programme 7. 

To deliver the highest quality of training to young researchers, NanoEmbrace has identified the key research themes: controlled...


SPAM3 is a biennial national project developed at the MDM National Laboratory. The project is supported by the CARIPLO Foundation. The aim of SPAM3 is to develop efficient and cost effective methods and processes for the fabrication...

Graphitic films of group III nitrides and group II oxides: platform for fundamental studies and applications (GRIFONE)

The GRIFONE project belongs to the European program "FET Flagship ERA-NET" (FLAG-ERA), which coordinates the integration of...



Hippocrates was a project by Distretto Tecnologico Micro and Nano Sistemi Sicilia S.c.a.r.l. (Sicily Technologic District Micro and Nano systems) sponsored by MIUR (...

DOGGIES - Detection of Olfactory traces by orthoGonal Gas identification technologIES

Border security is one of the key security challenges to be taken up by Europe in the following years. In particular, the deployment of practical efficient means to detect hidden persons and illegal substances at border crossing points is instrumental in avoiding terrorism, human trafficking or...

H2020 ROCSAFE project

ROCSAFE (Remotely Operated CBRNe Scene Assessment & Forensic Examination)

The overall goal of ‌‌ROCSAFE is to fundamentally change how CBRNe events are assessed, in order to and ensure the safety of crime scene investigators by reducing the need for them to enter high...

ERG: Energy for a green society: from sustainable harvesting to smart distribution. Equipments, materials, design solutions and their applications

Project N. 270722-1-ERG


The research, development and demonstration activities performed inside the ERG project focus on the solar energy supply chain, starting form solar cells and proceeding along with innovative energy extraction (harvesting) techniques, high-efficiency power...

Nuove Tecnologie Fotovoltaiche per Sistemi Intelligenti Integrati in Edifici

PON01_01725, PON Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013




Questo Progetto ha affrontato le problematiche del fotovoltaico con un approccio ampio, partendo dalla tecnologia delle celle...

Tecnologie per l’ENERGia e l’Efficienza energETICa (ENERGETIC)

Progetto PON02_00355_3391233

Soggetto Attuatore:Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi società consortile a responsabilità limitata (scarl)


Soci coinvolti:

Istituto per le Tecnologie Avanzate (ITA), Engineering...

ASTONISH: Advancing Smart Optical Imaging and Sensing for Health


The ageing population and related increase in chronic diseases put considerable pressure on both the healthcare system and the society, resulting in an unsustainable rise of healthcare costs. As a result there is an urgent need to improve efficiency of care and reduce hospitalisation...

INTERNEW - Innovative interfaces for energy-related applications

INTERNEW (Innovative interfaces for energy-related applications) is a  FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES (International research staff exchange scheme) action, coordinated by CNR, and involving CNRS - Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal (France), Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), Humboldt...
