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DIONISO - Analisi di DIelettrici a bassa temperatura basati su Ossi-Nitruri e ISOlanti ad alto k per elettronica ultra-veloce da impiegare in applicazioni aerospaziali

L’obiettivo principale del progetto è la messa a punto di dielettrici a bassa temperatura ad alto e basso k per la realizzazione di strati di passivazione e strati isolanti da applicare in dispositivi ad alta mobilità in nitruro di gallio (GaN) e in strutture capacitive per ottimizzare le...


SKYTOP (Skyrmion-Topological insulator and Weyl semimetal technology) is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project in FETPROACT-01-2018. The overall objective in SKYTOP is to make cross-fertilization between different topological classes of materials to realize devices with intertwined...

ADRIANA Applicazione di tecniche di scansione di sonda a microonde per una analisi non intrusiva di manufatti

Conoscenza, diagnostica, conservazione e restauro dei beni culturali sono gli ambiti di intervento del progetto ADRIANA, che intende utilizzare l’innovazione tecnologica come strumento per scoprire e preservare il bene culturale per il suo stesso valore intrinseco.

L’attività è basata...

XFab (Xene Fabrication for a Two-Dimensional Nanotechnology Platform)

The XFab Project arises from an ERC CoG 2017 grant to Alessandro Molle. X points to the kind of atoms that...

AMPERE: Automated Photovoltaic Cell and Module Industrial Production to regain and secure European Renewable Energy Market

The final goal of the AMPERE Project is the setting-up of an innovative 100 MWp full-scale automated pilot line in production environment while preparing the next steps to 250 MWp and the GWp scale.


Within this framework, the aim of AMPERE is to develop an EU innovative and...

METAmaterial inspired RF Microsystems tunable by RF-MEMS

Current telecommunication trends, especially for space applications, aim to the development of new RF Microsystems technologies characterized by high performance to fullfil the needs of reconfigurability for microwave communication systems.
The synthesis of switchable and reconfigurable...

Micro WATTS - Micro WAstewaTer Treatment System using photocatalytic surfaces

The primary objective of this project is to provide a practical means to recoup and treat greywater at its source using photocatalytic surfaces activated by solar energy. This will not only result in a source of second class water, but would also a reduction in the volume of waste water...

KaBAS (Ka Band Antenna Systems)

The aim of the KaBAS project is to identify two different types of Ka-band antennas, intended for contexts with different needs, although they are both related to the satellite communications market. In particular:
- a flat planar antenna, to be proposed in the market segment of man-...

I-ZEB - Verso Edifici Intelligenti a Energia Zero per la crescita della città intelligente

Bando di riferimento: Accordo Quadro tra CNR e Regione Lombardia sottoscritto il 1/10/2015: Avviso per la presentazione di proposte progettuali per l’attuazione di programmi di ricerca e sviluppo e valorizzazione del capitale umano con ricadute dirette sul sistema della...

POR-FESR IPA/BC-monitor project

CNR-IMM Bologna is partner of the IPA/BC-monitor project, funded by Regione Emilia-Romagna in the framework of the POR FESR 2014-2020 call.

The project focuses on the development of an innovative system - compact and standalone - for online...

H2020 picoGC project


CNR-IMM Bologna is the main R&D subcontractor of the Horizon2020 SME-Instrument "picoGC" project. The project coordinator is Pollution s.r.l. (Budrio, Italy), and Micronit Microtechnologies GmbH (Dortmund, Germany) is partner of the consortium.

The aim of...

WInSiC4AP - Wide band gap Innovative SiC for Advanced Power

The objective of the European project WInSiC4AP is to contribute in developing reliable technology bricks for efficient and cost-effective applications addressing social challenges and market segments, where Europe is a recognized global leader (e.g., automotive, avionics, railway and...

Cluster in Bioimaging

Cluster in BIOIMAGING è un progetto di ricerca scientifica in campo medico per lo sviluppo di radio-traccianti per la diagnosi dei tumori. In particolare l’iniziativa propone la sintesi, messa a punto ed ottimizzazione del processo di produzione di radio-traccianti. Detta...

EMRP SIB02-REG3 - Distributed Raman amplification for phase coherent transfer of optical frequencies

Current amplification techniques employed in transfer of optical frequencies over long distances exhibit a significant degree of complexity and impose specific constraints on the optical fibre link. The work of SIB02-REG3 project is mainly to study, characterise and experimentally demonstrate...

H2020 PULSe: Pervasive Ubiquitous Lightwave Sensor

Brillouin Distributed Optical Fibre Sensing is a powerful lightwave technology for measuring and mapping temperatures, deformations and pressures in thousands of industrial, civil and environmental applications using a sensing fibre cable installed along the asset to be monitored and...
