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Graphene Flagship - Core1

The Graphene Flagship is a Future and Emerging Technology Flagship by the European Commission.

With a budget of €1 billion, the Graphene Flagship represent a new form of joint, coordinated research on an unprecedented scale, forming Europe's biggest ever research...

Graphene heterostructures with Nitrides for high frequency Electronics

The project GraNitE is funded by MIUR in the framework of the European program "FET Flagship ERA-NET" (FLAG-ERA), which coordinates the integration of national/regional research into the work...

MANSiC - Promoting and structuring a Multidisciplinary Academic-Industrial Network through the hetero-polytype growth, characterisation and applications of 3C-SiC on hexagonal substrates

The aim of MANSiC project was to promote a multidisciplinary training network for young researchers based on the development of 3C-SiC technology. Indeed, this cubic polytype of SiC was for long set apart due to the lack of adequate substrate so that the heteroepitaxial layers were far from...

NetFISiC - Training NETwork on Functional Interfaces for SiC

The project NetFISiC (Training NETwork on Functional Interfaces for SiC) was a Marie-Curie Initial Training Network. The main scientific objective of NetFISiC was to provide Silicon Carbide material (of various polytypes) with improved and adequate functional interfaces for getting a step...

ROBO-SPECT - ROBotic System with Intelligent Vision and Control for Tunnel Structural INSPECTion and Evaluation

ROBO-SPECT is a FP7-ICT-2013-10 project driven by the tunnel inspection industry, which aims at adapting and integrating recent research results in intelligent control in robotics, computer vision tailored with semi-supervised and active continuous learning and sensing, in an innovative,...

Ambition Power (PON01_00700)

The project Ambition Power operated in the field of Energy/Energy Saving within the national program PON “Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013”. The project was focused in the field of power electronics, i.e., in a specific sector which include about 30% of the semiconductor world...

MINOS: MIcro- and NanO-structured photonic devices based on strained silicon for ultrafast Switching in Datacom applications

Currently employed electronic interconnection networks are reaching their limits in terms of bandwidth, wiring density, and power consumption. Therefore to avoid an exponential growth of dissipated power, the power efficiency must be increased in next-generation high-end servers and computing...

SiNERGY - SilicoN friendly materials and device solutions for microENERGY applications

SiNERGY is a FP7-NMP-2013-SMALL-7 project that selects a series of relevant examples of power microgeneration and storage (thermoelectric generators, vibrational harvesters and microstructrured batteries) and pushes them further into their development and performance maturity. With that goal in...

AEROBI - AErial RObotic System for In-Depth Bridge Inspection by Contact

AEROBI, a H2020-ICT-2015 project driven by the bridge inspection industry, adapts and integrates recent research results in low flying unmanned robots with arms, intelligent control in robotics, computer vision and sensing, in an innovative, integrated, low flying, robotic system with a...

EMMA - Emerging Materials for Mass-storage Architectures

EMMA is a FP6 - ICT European project, grant agreemnet n. 33751

This project will investigate the feasibility of emerging new non-volatile memory concepts based on resistive-switching materials for enabling new mass-storage memory systems.

These new memory concepts...

GOSSAMER - Gigascale Oriented Solid State flAsh Memory for EuRope

GOSSAMER, or “Gigascale Oriented Solid State flAsh Memory for EuRope” is a European Integrated ICT project carried out by a consortium of 13 partners and supported by the European Commission through the...

LAST POWER - Large Area silicon carbide Substrates and heTeroepitaxial GaN for POWER device applications

The aim of the European project LAST POWER  was to develop equipments, materials and processes for power devices applications based on wide band gap semiconductors (SiC and GaN). In particular, the target materials were 150mm 4H-SiC wafers and GaN heteroepitaxy on 150mm Si substrates....

NASCEnT - Silicon nanodots for solar cells tandem FP7 - GA 245977

NASCEnT - Silicon nanodots for solar cells tandem FP7 - GA 245977 2010-2014

The overall objective of the project is to develop new nanomaterials with new production technologies and to fabricate...

WATER - Winning Applications of nanoTEchnology for Resolutive hydropurification

European Commision Coordination and support actions (Supporting Action) - FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1 “Unlocking and developing the research potential of research entities established in the EU´s Convergence regions and Outermost regions”.



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PLAST_ICs - PLASTic materials with thin silicon ICs


PLAST_ICs is a project by Distretto Tecnologico Micro and Nano Sistemi Sicilia S.c.a.r.l. (Sicily Technologic District Micro and Nano systems) sponsored by MIUR (Ministero Istruzione Università e Ricerca) with PON R&C (Programma Operativo Nazionale “Ricerca e Competitività” 2007-...
