Il FESTIVAL DELLO SVILUPPO SOSTENIBILE 2022 - che si svolge a Modena dal 4 al 9 ottobre 2022 - desidera richiamare l’attenzione nazionale e locale sulle problematiche e le opportunità connesse al raggiungimento degli SDGs di...
Il Workshop “Physics for Sustainable Development” (
The E-MRS 2022 Fall Meeting will be held at the Main Campus of the Warsaw University of Technology - Plac Politechniki 1- Warsaw, Poland, on 19-22 September 2022.
The conference will include 20 parallel symposia...
The fourth Joint Conference of the Italian Crystallographic Association (AIC) and the Italian Synchrotron Radiation Society (SILS), which will be held in Trieste from 12 to 15 September 2022.
It will be a...
On 6-10 June 2022, SIOF Ottica organizes the "IV National School on Optical Biosensors and Biophotonics - Bio&B” that will be held in Ischia (NA).
It is an Italian initiative to establish a platform for...
Webinar sulle Energie Rinnovabili e Comunità Energetiche promosso da Legambiente, con la partecipazione della Dott.ssa Paola Prete che presenta le sue ricerche sulle celle fotovoltaiche a nanofili per ridurre la...
For more information, please visit the official website at:
Deadline: 10 April 2022...
Le pionieristiche ricerche sulle celle solari a nanofili per il fotovoltaico di terza generazione condotte dalla Dott.ssa Paola Prete ad IMM-CNR Lecce, sono al centro dell’episodio “Energie Rinnovabili” della nuova serie “Effetto Terra” condotta da Francesca Michielin ed in onda...
Dear Colleagues,
Newly emerging semiconductors, such as silicon carbide (SiC), are attractive for advanced power devices, due to their superior physical properties. Owing to the remarkable improvement in SiC wafer quality and the progress in device technology, high-voltage SiC Schottky...
Look at the Special Issue website or contact Alessandro Molle.
For more information on this special collection, please visit the official website at: ...
This special issue will cover advances in Ge chalcogenides synthesis techniques, including nanostructures and superlattices, in the understanding of the unique properties of Ge chalcogenides, and in devices for optical, electronic and thermoelectric applications.
E-MRS Fall 2021 Symposium R (VIRTUAL Conference September 20-23)
Nanoparticles and nanomaterials
The symposium will cover:
(i) Nanomaterials Synthesis: From 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D, Multifunctional Hybrids.
Following very successful symposia organized in 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018 we are pleased to inform you that the Symposium S: "Organized nanostructures and nano-objects: fabrication, characterization and applications" will be held at the...
We announce the special issue on the peer reviewed journal Nanomaterials (IF 4.324) at