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Mössbauer spectroscopy, Magnetotransport, Magnetism, Thin films, Topological Insulators, Spintronics


ROBERTO MANTOVAN got his Ph.D in Physics in 2006 by defending the dissertation “Mössbauer spectroscopy investigation of materials for non-volatile memory devices”. Since 2009, R. Mantovan is a Research Scientist at CNR-IMM Unit of Agrate Brianza (former MDM Laboratory). RM's main research activities currently concern spintronics with topological matter, the atomic-scale structural/chemical/magnetic characterization of bulk materials, thin films, and interfaces by means of Mössbauer spectroscopy, magnetotransport, and thin films growth mainly by chemical methods. Since 2009, within the following resaerch projects, R. Mantovan coordinates the research activity connected to the development and study of new materials (magnetic, topological,..) to be used in future functional devices for micro/nano-eletronics and spintroncs: 

From 2003, R. Mantovan is a member of the International Mössbauer Collaboration at ISOLDE/CERN, where the recent focus has been the understanding of atomic-scale magnetism in 3d-doped oxides and semiconductors in condition of extreme dilution. R. Mantovan was the spokesperson for the experiment "Atomic scale properties of magnetic Mn-based alloys probed by Emission Mössbauer spectroscopy". Since 2023, R. Mantovan is a Member of INTC at CERN

RM on: ORCIDGoogle Scholar, ScopusWoS, and Research Gate

Tel: +39 039-6037624 E-mail: roberto.mantovan@mdm.imm.cnr.it and roberto.mantovan@cern.ch

Scientific Productions

Roberto Nisticò, Roberto Mantovan, Matteo Cantoni, Christian Rinaldi, Mery Malandrino, Silvia Mostoni, Massimiliano D’Arienzo, Barbara Di Credico, Roberto Scotti

Hydrothermal synthesis of Cu-substituted Ni ferrites: structural, morphological, and magnetic properties

Journal of Alloys and Compounds [Elsevier], Pages: 173628

Roberto Mantovan Emanuele Longo, Lorenzo Locatelli, Polychronis Tsipas, Akylas Lintzeris, Athanasios Dimoulas, Marco Fanciulli, Massimo Longo

Exploiting the close-to-Dirac point shift of Fermi level in Sb2Te3/Bi2Te3 topological insulator heterostructure for spin-charge conversion

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acsami.3c08830], Volume: 15 Pages: 50237-50245

E Longo, A Markou, C Felser, M Belli, A Serafini, P Targa, D Codegoni, M Fanciulli, R Mantovan

Giant spin-charge conversion in ultrathin films of the MnPtSb half-Heusler compound

arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.14516 [],

Roberto Mantovan, Lorenzo Locatelli, Polychronis Tsipas, Athanasios Dimoulas, Akylas Lintzeris, Emanuele Longo, Arun Kumar, Massimo Longo

Close-to-Dirac point shift of large-area MOCVD-grown Bi2Te3’s Fermi level following growth on Sb2Te3

Bulletin of the American Physical Society [American Physical Society],

Emanuele Longo, Anastasios Markou, Claudia Felser, Marco Fanciulli, Roberto Mantovan

Giant spin-charge conversion in ultrathin MnPtSb half-Heusler alloy

Bulletin of the American Physical Society [American Physical Society],

Elli Georgopoulou-Kotsaki, Panagiotis Pappas, Akylas Lintzeris, Polychronis Tsipas, Sotirios Fragkos, Anastasios Markou, Claudia Felser, Emanuele Longo, Marco Fanciulli, Roberto Mantovan, Farzad Mahfouzi, Nicholas Kioussis, A Dimoulas

Significant enhancement of ferromagnetism above room temperature in epitaxial 2D van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe5-δGeTe2/Bi2Te3 heterostructures

Nanoscale [Royal Society of Chemistry],

HP Gunnlaugsson, A Mokhles Gerami, H Masenda, S Olafsson, R Adhikari, K Johnston, K Naicker, G Peters, J Schell, D Zyabkin, K Bharuth-Ram, P Krastev, R Mantovan, D Naidoo, I Unzueta, Isolde Collaboration

Charge and spin state of dilute Fe in NaCl and LiF

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 106 Issue: 17 Pages: 174108

Vitaly Mikheev, Roberto Mantovan, Sergei Zarubin, Anna Dmitriyeva, Elena Suvorova, Philipp A Buffate, Andrei V Zenkevich

Search for Magnetoelectric Coupling at the 57Fe/Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Interface Using Operando Synchrotron Mössbauer Spectroscopy

Advanced Materials Interfaces [], Pages: 2201341

Hilary Masenda, Haraldur Páll Gunnlaugsson, Rajdeep Adhikari, Krish Bharuth-Ram, Deena Naidoo, Aitana Tarazaga Martín-Luengo, Iraultza Unzueta, Roberto Mantovan, Torben Esmann Mølholt, Karl Johnston, Juliana Schell, Adeleh Mokhles Gerami, Petko Krastev, Bingcui Qi, Sveinn Ólafsson, Haflidi Pétur Gíslason, Arthur Ernst, Alberta Bonanni

Unusual charge states and lattice sites of Fe in Al x Ga1− x N: Mn

New Journal of Physics [IOP Publishing], Volume: 24 Issue: 10 Pages: 103007

P Carrara, M Brioschi, E Longo, D Dagur, V Polewczyk, G Vinai, R Mantovan, M Fanciulli, G Rossi, G Panaccione, R Cucini

All-Optical Generation and Time-Resolved Polarimetry of Magnetoacoustic Resonances via Transient Grating Spectroscopy

Physical Review Applied [American Physical Society], Volume: 18 Issue: 4 Pages: 044009

Torben E Mølholt, Sveinn Ólafsson, Haraldur P Gunnlaugsson, Bingcui Qi, Karl Johnston, Roberto Mantovan, Hilary Masenda, Krish Bharuth-Ram, Hafliði P Gíslason, Guido Langouche, Deena Naidoo

Magnetic Structure and Strain State in Fe/V Superlattices Studied by 57Fe+ Emission and Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy

Crystals [MDPI], Volume: 12 Issue: 7 Pages: 961

Juliana Schell, Dmitry Zyabkin, Krish Bharuth-Ram, João N Gonçalves, Carlos Díaz-Guerra, Haraldur P Gunnlaugsson, Aitana Tarazaga Martín-Luengo, Peter Schaaf, Alberta Bonanni, Hilary Masenda, Thien Thanh Dang, Torben E Mølholt, Sveinn Ólafsson, Iraultza Unzueta, Roberto Mantovan, Karl Johnston, Hafliði P Gíslason, Petko B Krastev, Deena Naidoo, Bingcui Qi

Anisotropy of the Electric Field Gradient in Two-Dimensional α-MoO3 Investigated by 57Mn(57Fe) Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy

Crystals [MDPI], Volume: 12 Issue: 7 Pages: 942

Iraultza Unzueta, Haraldur Pall Gunnlaugsson, Torben Esmann Mølholt, Hilary Masenda, Adeleh Mokhles Gerami, Petko Krastev, Dmitry V Zyabkin, Krish Bharuth-Ram, Deena Naidoo, Sveinn Ólafsson, Fernando Plazaola, Juliana Schell, Bingcui Qi, Xupeng Zhao, Jiaxing Xiao, Jianhua Zhao, Roberto Mantovan

Compositional Dependence of Epitaxial L10‐Mn x Ga Magnetic Properties as Probed by 57Mn/Fe and 119In/Sn Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy

physica status solidi (b) [], Volume: 259 Issue: 7 Pages: 2200121

L Locatelli, A Kumar, P Tsipas, A Dimoulas, E Longo, R Mantovan

Magnetotransport and ARPES studies of the topological insulators Sb2Te3 and Bi2Te3 grown by MOCVD on large-area Si substrates

Scientific Reports [Nature Publishing Group UK], Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 3891

Torben E Molholt, Sveinn Olafsson, Haraldur P Gunnlaugsson, Bingcui Qi, Karl Johnston, Roberto Mantovan, Hilary Masenda, Krish Bharuth-Ram, Haflioi P Gislason, Guido Langouche, Deena Naidoo

Magnetic Structure and Strain State in Fe/V Superlattices Studied by Fe-57 (+) Emission and Conversion Electron Mossbauer Spectroscopy

Crystals [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)], Volume: 12 Issue: 7

Emanuele Longo, Lorenzo Locatelli, Matteo Belli, Mario Alia, Arun Kumar, Massimo Longo, Marco Fanciulli, Roberto Mantovan

Spin‐Charge Conversion in Fe/Au/Sb2Te3 Heterostructures as Probed By Spin Pumping Ferromagnetic Resonance

Advanced Materials Interfaces [], Volume: 8 Issue: 23 Pages: 2101244

Martino Rimoldi, Raimondo Cecchini, Claudia Wiemer, Emanuele Longo, Stefano Cecchi, Roberto Mantovan, Massimo Longo

Effect of Substrates and Thermal Treatments on Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition-Grown Sb2Te3 Thin Films

Crystal Growth & Design [American Chemical Society], Volume: 21 Issue: 9 Pages: 5135-5144

Arun Kumar, Raimondo Cecchini, Lorenzo Locatelli, Claudia Wiemer, Christian Martella, Lucia Nasi, Laura Lazzarini, Roberto Mantovan, Massimo Longo

Large-Area MOVPE Growth of Topological Insulator Bi2Te3 Epitaxial Layers on i-Si(111)

Crystal Growth & Design [American Chemical Society], Volume: 21 Issue: 7 Pages: 4023-4029

Christian Martella, Alessio Quadrelli, Pinaka Pani Tummala, Cristina Lenardi, Roberto Mantovan, Alessio Lamperti, Alessandro Molle

Tailoring the Phase in Nanoscale MoTe2 Grown by Barrier-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition

Crystal Growth & Design [American Chemical Society], Volume: 21 Issue: 5 Pages: 2970-2976

R. Mantovan E. Longo, M. Belli, M. Alia, M. Rimoldi, R. Cecchini, M. Longo, C. Wiemer, L. Locatelli, P. Tsipas, A. Dimoulas, G. Gubbiotti, M. Fanciulli

Large spin-to-charge conversion at room temperature in extended epitaxial Sb2Te3 topological insulator chemically grown on Silicon

Advanced Functional Materials [Wiley-VCH], Pages: 2109361

HP Gunnlaugsson, H Masenda, TE Mølholt, K Bharuth-Ram, S Ólafsson, K Johnston, J Schell, HP Gislason, PB Krastev, R Mantovan, D Naidoo, B Qi, I Unzueta

Annealing studies combined with low temperature emission Mössbauer spectroscopy of short-lived parent isotopes: Determination of local Debye–Waller factors

Review of Scientific Instruments [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 92 Issue: 1 Pages: 013901

B Qi, HP Gunnlaugsson, S Ólafsson, HP Gislason, EB Thorsteinsson, UB Arnalds, R Mantovan, I Unzueta, DV Zyabkin, K Bharuth Ram, K Johnston, PB Krastev, TE Mølholt, H Masenda, A Tarazaga Martín-Luengo, D Naidoo, J Schell

Metal-insulator transition in crystalline V2O3 thin films probed at atomic-scale using emission Mössbauer spectroscopy

Thin Solid Films [Elsevier], Volume: 714 Pages: 138389

Emanuele Longo, Claudia Wiemer, Raimondo Cecchini, Massimo Longo, Alessio Lamperti, Anton Khanas, Andrei Zenkevich, Matteo Cantoni, Christian Rinaldi, Marco Fanciulli, Roberto Mantovan

Fe/Sb2Te3 Interface Reconstruction through Mild Thermal Annealing

Advanced Materials Interfaces [], Volume: 7 Issue: 19 Pages: 2000905

Emanuele Longo, Claudia Wiemer, Matteo Belli, Raimondo Cecchini, Massimo Longo, Matteo Cantoni, Christian Rinaldi, Michael D Overbeek, Charles H Winter, Gianluca Gubbiotti, Graziella Tallarida, Marco Fanciulli, Roberto Mantovan

Ferromagnetic resonance of Co thin films grown by atomic layer deposition on the Sb2Te3 topological insulator

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials [North-Holland], Volume: 509 Pages: 166885

Federico Motti, Christian Martella, Silvia Vangelista, Alessio Lamperti, Matteo Cantoni, Alessandro Molle, Roberto Mantovan

Growth of 2D-molybdenum disulfide on top of magnetite and iron by chemical methods

Thin Solid Films [Elsevier], Volume: 701 Pages: 137943

Dmitry V Zyabkin, Haraldur Pall Gunnlaugsson, João Nuno Gonçalves, Krish Bharuth-Ram, BingCui Qi, Iraultza Unzueta, Deena Naidoo, Roberto Mantovan, Hilary Masenda, Svein Ólafsson, Gerrard Peters, Juliana Schell, Ulrich Vetter, Anna Dimitrova, Stefan Krischok, Peter Schaaf

Experimental and Theoretical Study of Electronic and Hyperfine Properties of Hydrogenated Anatase (TiO2): Defects Interplay and Thermal Stability

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C [American Chemical Society],

DV Zyabkin, HP Gunnlaugsson, JN Goncalves, K Bharuth-Ram, B Qi, I Unzueta, D Naidoo, R Mantovan, H Masenda, S Olafsson, G Peters, J Schell, U Vetter, A Dimitrova, S Krischok, P Schaaf

Experimental and Theoretical Study of Electronic and Hyperfine Properties of Hydrogenated Anatase (TiO2): Defect Interplay and Thermal Stability

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C [American Chemical Society], Volume: 124 Issue: 13 Pages: 7511-7522

Emanuele Longo, Roberto Mantovan, Raimondo Cecchini, Michael D Overbeek, Massimo Longo, Giovanna Trevisi, Laura Lazzarini, Graziella Tallarida, Marco Fanciulli, Charles H Winter, Claudia Wiemer

ALD growth of ultra-thin Co layers on the topological insulator Sb 2 Te 3

Nano Research [Tsinghua University Press], Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Pages: 570-575

Michele Perego, Francesco Caruso, Gabriele Seguini, Elisa Arduca, Roberto Mantovan, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus

Doping of Silicon by Phosphorus End-Terminated Polymers: Drive-in and Activation of Dopants

Journal of Materials Chemistry C [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 8 Issue: 30 Pages: 10229-10237

Martino Rimoldi, Raimondo Cecchini, Claudia Wiemer, Alessio Lamperti, Emanuele Longo, Lucia Nasi, Laura Lazzarini, Roberto Mantovan, Massimo Longo

Epitaxial and large area Sb 2 Te 3 thin films on silicon by MOCVD

RSC Advances [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 10 Issue: 34 Pages: 19936-19942

E Longo, C Wiemer, R Cecchini, M Longo, A Lamperti, A Khanas, A Zenkevich, M Fanciulli, R Mantovan

Chemical, structural and magnetic properties of the Fe/Sb2Te3 interface

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials [North-Holland], Volume: 474 Pages: 632-636

L Herrera Diez, M Voto, A Casiraghi, M Belmeguenai, Y Roussigné, G Durin, A Lamperti, R Mantovan, V Sluka, V Jeudy, YT Liu, A Stashkevich, SM Chérif, J Langer, B Ocker, L Lopez-Diaz, D Ravelosona

Enhancement of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and domain wall velocity through interface intermixing in Ta/CoFeB/MgO

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 99 Issue: 5 Pages: 054431

A Digiacomo, R Mantovan, N Vernier, T Devolder, K Garcia, G Tallarida, M Fanciulli, A Lamperti, B Ocker, L Baldi, M Mariani, D Ravelosona

Engineering Domain-Wall Motion in Ultrathin Films with Perpendicular Anisotropy Using Patterned Substrates with Subnanometer Step Modulation

Physical Review Applied [American Physical Society], Volume: 10 Issue: 6 Pages: 064053

E Longo, C Wiemer, R Cecchini, M Longo, A Lamperti, A Khanas, A Zenkevich, M Fanciulli, R Mantovan

Chemical, structural and magnetic properties of the Fe/Sb2Te3 interface

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials [North-Holland],

Roberto Mantovan, Yuri Matveyev, Giovanni Vinai, Christian Martella, Piero Torelli, Alessandro Molle, Sergei Zarubin, Yuri Lebedinskii, Andrei Zenkevich

Bonding Character and Magnetism at the Interface Between Fe and MoS2 Nanosheets

physica status solidi (a) [], Volume: 215 Issue: 13 Pages: 1800015

A Goikhman, P Shvets, U Koneva, R Mantovan, K Maksimova

Polycrystalline magnetite (Fe3O4) thin films from FeOx/Fe bilayers grown by pulsed laser depositions

Thin Solid Films [Elsevier], Volume: 652 Pages: 28-33

Raimondo Cecchini, Roberto Mantovan, Claudia Wiemer, Lucia Nasi, Laura Lazzarini, Massimo Longo

Weak Antilocalization in Granular Sb2Te3 Thin Films Deposited by MOCVD

physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters [WILEY? VCH Verlag Berlin GmbH], Pages: 1800155

Raimondo Cecchini, Roberto Mantovan, Claudia Wiemer, Lucia Nasi, Laura Lazzarini, Massimo Longo

Weak Antilocalization in Granular Sb2Te3 Thin Films Deposited by MOCVD

physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters [WILEY? VCH Verlag Berlin GmbH], Pages: 1800155

A Goikhman, P Shvets, U Koneva, R Mantovan, K Maksimova

Polycrystalline magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) thin films from FeO x/Fe bilayers grown by pulsed laser depositions

Thin Solid Films [Elsevier],

A Goikhman, P Shvets, U Koneva, R Mantovan, K Maksimova

Polycrystalline magnetite (Fe3O4) thin films from FeOx/Fe bilayers grown by pulsed laser depositions

Thin Solid Films [Elsevier],

R Mantovan, R Fallica, A Mokhles Gerami, TE Mølholt, C Wiemer, M Longo, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Johnston, H Masenda, D Naidoo, M Ncube, K Bharuth-Ram, M Fanciulli, Hafliði Pétur Gíslason, Guido Langouche, Sveinn Olafsson, G Weyer

Atomic-scale study of the amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition mechanism in GeTe thin films.

Scientific reports [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-12

TE Mølholt, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Johnston, R Mantovan, J Röder, V Adoons, A Mokhles Gerami, H Masenda, YA Matveyev, M Ncube, I Unzueta, K Bharuth-Ram, HP Gislason, P Krastev, Guido Langouche, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, A Zenkevich, ISOLDE Collaboration

Charge states and lattice sites of dilute implanted Sn in ZnO

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter [IOP Publishing], Volume: 29 Issue: 15 Pages: 155701

PB Krastev, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Nomura, V Adoons, AM Gerami, K Johnston, M Ncube, R Mantovan, H Masenda, YA Matveyev, TE Mølholt, I Unzueta, K Bharuth-Ram, H Gislason, G Langouche, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, ISOLDE collaboration

57Fe Emission Mössbauer Study on Gd3Ga5O12 implanted with dilute57Mn

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer International Publishing], Volume: 237 Issue: 1 Pages: 37

Hilary Masenda, S Geburt, Krish Bharuth-Ram, D Naidoo, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Johnston, R Mantovan, Torben Esmann Mølholt, M Ncube, S Shayestehaminzadeh, HP Gislason, G Langouche, S Olafsson, C Ronning, ISOLDE Collaboration

Emission Mössbauer spectroscopy study of fluence dependence of paramagnetic relaxation in Mn/Fe implanted ZnO

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer International Publishing], Volume: 237 Issue: 1 Pages: 40

A Mokhles Gerami, K Johnston, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Nomura, R Mantovan, H Masenda, YA Matveyev, TE Mølholt, M Ncube, S Shayestehaminzadeh, I Unzueta, HP Gislason, PB Krastev, G Langouche, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson

57Fe emission Mössbauer spectroscopy following dilute implantation of 57Mn into In 2O3

Hyperfine Interactions [], Volume: 237 Pages: 75

A Mokhles Gerami, K Johnston, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Nomura, R Mantovan, H Masenda, YA Matveyev, TE Mølholt, M Ncube, S Shayestehaminzadeh, I Unzueta, HP Gislason, PB Krastev, G Langouche, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, ISOLDE collaboration

57Fe emission Mössbauer spectroscopy following dilute implantation of 57Mn into In 2O3

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer International Publishing], Volume: 237 Issue: 1 Pages: 75

A Mokhles Gerami, K Johnston, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Nomura, R Mantovan, H Masenda, YA Matveyev, TE Mølholt, M Ncube, S Shayestehaminzadeh, I Unzueta, HP Gislason, PB Krastev, G Langouche, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson

57Fe emission Mössbauer spectroscopy following dilute implantation of 57Mn into In 2O3

Hyperfine Interactions [], Volume: 237

K Bharuth-Ram, TE Mølholt, Guido Langouche, S Geburt, C Ronning, TB Doyle, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Johnston, R Mantovan, H Masenda, D Naidoo, M Ncube, H Gislason, S Olafsson, G Weyer

Sensitivity of 57Fe emission Mössbauer spectroscopy to Ar and C induced defects in ZnO

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer International Publishing], Volume: 237 Issue: 1 Pages: 81

PB Krastev, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Nomura, V Adoons, AM Gerami, K Johnston, M Ncube, R Mantovan, Hilary Masenda, YA Matveyev, Torben Esmann Mølholt, I Unzueta, Krish Bharuth-Ram, H Gislason, G Langouche, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, ISOLDE collaboration

5 7 Fe Emission Mössbauer Study on Gd 3 Ga 5 O 1 2 implanted with dilute 5 7 Mn

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer International Publishing], Volume: 237 Issue: 1 Pages: 37

A Mokhles Gerami, K Johnston, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Nomura, R Mantovan, H Masenda, YA Matveyev, TE Mølholt, M Ncube, S Shayestehaminzadeh, I Unzueta, HP Gislason, PB Krastev, Guido Langouche, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, ISOLDE collaboration

57 Fe emission Mössbauer spectroscopy following dilute implantation of 57 Mn into In 2 O 3

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer International Publishing], Volume: 237 Issue: 1 Pages: 75

S Vangelista, A Lamperti, C Wiemer, M Fanciulli, R Mantovan

Atomic Layer Deposition of hexagonal ErFeO 3 thin films on SiO 2/Si

Thin Solid Films [Elsevier], Volume: 604 Pages: 18-22

Silvia Vangelista, Eugenio Cinquanta, Christian Martella, Mario Alia, Massimo Longo, Alessio Lamperti, Roberto Mantovan, Francesco Basso Basset, Fabio Pezzoli, Alessandro Molle

Towards a uniform and large-scale deposition of MoS2 nanosheets via sulfurization of ultra-thin Mo-based solid films

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 27 Issue: 17 Pages: 175703

A Mokhles Gerami, K Johnston, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Nomura, R Mantovan, H Masenda, YA Matveyev, TE Mølholt, M Ncube, S Shayestehaminzadeh, I Unzueta, HP Gislason, PB Krastev10, G Langouche11, D Naidoo, S Olafsson

57Fe Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy following dilute implantation of 57Mn into In2O3

Hyp. Interact [], Volume: 237 Issue: 1 Pages: 1

Hilary Masenda, D Naidoo, K Bharuth-Ram, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Johnston, R Mantovan, TE Mølholt, M Ncube, S Shayestehaminzadeh, HP Gíslason, Guido Langouche, S Ólafsson, G Weyer

Lattice sites, charge states and spin–lattice relaxation of Fe ions in 57 Mn+ implanted GaN and AlN

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials [North-Holland], Volume: 401 Pages: 1130-1138

PB Krastev, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Nomura, V Adoons, AM Gerami, K Johnston, M Ncube, R Mantovan, H Masenda, YA Matveyev, TE Molholt, I Unzueta, K Bharuth-Ram, H Gislason, G Langouche, D Naidoo, S Olafsson

57 Fe Emission Mossbauer Study on Gd 3 Ga 5 O 12 implanted with dilute 57 Mn

HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS [Springer Verlag], Volume: 237 Issue: 1

A Mokhles Gerami, I Unzueta, HP Gunnlaugsson, PB Krastev, D Naidoo, YA Matveyev, K Nomura, G Langouche, H Masenda, M Ncube, K Johnston, S Shayestehaminzadeh, HP Gislason, TE Mølholt, S ́Olafsson, R Mantovan

submitter : Fe emission Mössbauer spectroscopy following dilute implantation of into In

Hyperfine Interact. [], Volume: 237 Pages: 75

Gerami Mokhles, K Johnston, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Nomura, R Mantovan, H Masenda, YA Matveyev, TE Mølholt, M Ncube, S Shayestehaminzadeh, I Unzueta, HP Gislason, PB Krastev, G Langouche, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson

57 Fe emission Mössbauer spectroscopy following dilute implantation of 57 Mn into In 2 O 3

Hyperfine Interactions [], Volume: 237 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-9

PB Krastev, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Nomura, V Adoons, AM Gerami, K Johnston, M Ncube, R Mantovan, H Masenda, YA Matveyev, TE Molholt, I Unzueta, K Bharuth-Ram, H Gislason, G Langouche, D Naidoo, S Olafsson

Fe-57 Emission Mossbauer Study on Gd3Ga5O12 implanted with dilute Mn-57

HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS [Springer Verlag], Volume: 237 Issue: 1

F García-Sánchez, J-P Adam, T Devolder, S Eimer, MS El Hadri, D Ravelosona, A Lamperti, R Mantovan, B Ocker

Controlling magnetic domain wall motion in the creep regime in He {sup+}-irradiated CoFeB/MgO films with perpendicular anisotropy

Applied Physics Letters [], Volume: 107 Issue: 3

L Herrera Diez, F García-Sánchez, J-P Adam, T Devolder, S Eimer, MS El Hadri, A Lamperti, R Mantovan, B Ocker, D Ravelosona

Controlling magnetic domain wall motion in the creep regime in He+-irradiated CoFeB/MgO films with perpendicular anisotropy

Applied Physics Letters [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 107 Issue: 3 Pages: 032401

D Ravelosona, L Herrera Diez, W Zhao, M Klaui, B Ockert, R Mantovan

A. Lamperti4, L. Baldi5, V. Jacques6, L. Vila7, R. Cowburn8 1Universite Paris Sud-CNRS, Orsay, France, 2Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz, Mainz, Germany,...

Magnetic Nano-and Microwires: Design, Synthesis, Properties and Applications [Woodhead Publishing], Pages: 333

HP Gunnlaugsson, K Bharuth-Ram, K Johnston, Guido Langouche, R Mantovan, TE Mølholt, D Naidoo, O Ólafsson, G Weyer

Damage annealing in low temperature Fe/Mn implanted ZnO

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer International Publishing], Volume: 230 Issue: 1 Pages: 175-180

Roberto Mantovan, Haraldur Páll Gunnlaugsson, Karl Johnston, Hilary Masenda, Torben Esmann Mølholt, Deena Naidoo, Mehluli Ncube, Seyedmohammad Shayestehaminzadeh, Krish Bharuth‐Ram, Marco Fanciulli, Haflidi Petur Gislason, Guido Langouche, Sveinn Ólafsson, Lino MC Pereira, Ulrich Wahl, Piero Torelli, Gerd Weyer

Atomic‐Scale Magnetic Properties of Truly 3d‐Diluted ZnO

Advanced Electronic Materials [], Volume: 1 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 1400039

R Lo Conte, E Martinez, A Hrabec, A Lamperti, T Schulz, L Nasi, L Lazzarini, R Mantovan, F Maccherozzi, SS Dhesi, B Ocker, CH Marrows, TA Moore, M Kläui

Role of B diffusion in the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in Ta/Co 20 F e 60 B 20/MgO nanowires

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 91 Issue: 1 Pages: 014433

R Lo Conte, E Martinez, A Hrabec, A Lamperti, T Schulz, L Nasi, L Lazzarini, R Mantovan, F Maccherozzi, SS Dhesi, B Ocker, CH Marrows, TA Moore, M Kläui

Role of B diffusion in the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in Ta/Co₂₀ Fe₆₀B₂₀/MgO nanowires

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 91 Issue: 1

R Mantovan, S Vangelista, C Wiemer, A Lamperti, G Tallarida, E Chikoidze, Y Dumont, M Fanciulli

Synthesis of multiferroic Er-Fe-O thin films by atomic layer and chemical vapor deposition

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 115 Issue: 17 Pages: 17D907

HP Gunnlaugsson, K Nomura, Torben Esmann Mølholt, S Shayestehaminzadeh, K Johnston, R Mantovan, H Masenda, M Ncube, Krish Bharuth-Ram, H Gislason, Guido Langouche, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, G Weyer

Characterization of Fe states in dilute 57Mn implanted SnO2 film

Hyperfine interactions [Springer International Publishing], Volume: 226 Issue: 1 Pages: 389-396

R Mantovan, S Vangelista, B Kutrzeba-Kotowska, A Lamperti, N Manca, L Pellegrino, M Fanciulli

Fe3− δO4/MgO/Co magnetic tunnel junctions synthesized by full in situ atomic layer and chemical vapour deposition

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [IOP Publishing], Volume: 47 Issue: 10 Pages: 102002

Torben Esmann Mølholt, R Mantovan, HP Gunnlaugsson, A Svane, Hilary Masenda, D Naidoo, Krish Bharuth-Ram, M Fanciulli, HP Gislason, K Johnston, Guido Langouche, S Olafsson, R Sielemann, G Weyer, ISOLDE collaboration

Interstitial Fe in MgO

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 115 Issue: 2 Pages: 023508

HP Gislason, S Ólafsson, R Mantovan, HP Gunnlaugsson, A Svane, G Weyer, H Masenda, D Naidoo, K Bharuth-Ram, M Fanciulli, K Johnston, G Langouche, R Sielemann

Interstitial Fe in MgO

Journal of Applied Physics [], Volume: 115 Issue: 2

TE Molholt, R Mantovan, HP Gunnlaugsson, A Svane, H Masenda, D Naidoo, K Bharuth-Ram, M Fanciulli, HP Gislason, K Johnston, G Langouche, S Olafsson, R Sielemann, G Weyer

Interstitial Fe in MgO

Journal of Applied Physics [AMER INST PHYSICS], Volume: 115 Issue: 2

HP Gunnlaugsson, R Mantovan, H Masenda, TE Mølholt, K Johnston, K Bharuth-Ram, H Gislason, Guido Langouche, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, A Svane, G Weyer, ISOLDE collaboration

Defect annealing in Mn/Fe-implanted TiO2 (rutile)

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [IOP Publishing], Volume: 47 Issue: 6 Pages: 065501

S Vangelista, R Mantovan, A Lamperti, G Tallarida, B Kutrzeba-Kotowska, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Low-temperature atomic layer deposition of MgO thin films on Si

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [IOP Publishing], Volume: 46 Issue: 48 Pages: 485304

C Burrowes, N Vernier, J-P Adam, L Herrera Diez, K Garcia, I Barisic, G Agnus, S Eimer, Joo-Von Kim, T Devolder, A Lamperti, R Mantovan, B Ockert, EE Fullerton, D Ravelosona

Low depinning fields in Ta-CoFeB-MgO ultrathin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 103 Issue: 18 Pages: 182401

D Naidoo, HP Gunnlaugsson, TE Mølholt, R Mantovan, H Masenda, K Bharuth-Ram, K Johnston, HP Gislason, Guido Langouche, S Ólafsson, G Weyer, R Sielemann

Stability of the Fe3+ state in ZnO

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 221 Issue: 1 Pages: 45-51

R Mantovan, A Lamperti, G Tallarida, L Baldi, M Mariani, B Ocker, S-M Ahn, I Barisic, D Ravelosona

Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Ta/CoFeB/MgO systems synthesized on treated SiN/SiO 2 substrates for magnetic memories

Thin solid films [Elsevier], Volume: 533 Pages: 75-78

A Lamperti, S-M Ahn, B Ocker, R Mantovan, D Ravelosona

Interface width evaluation in thin layered CoFeB/MgO multilayers including Ru or Ta buffer layer by X-ray reflectivity

Thin Solid Films [Elsevier], Volume: 533 Pages: 79-82

HP Gunnlaugsson, K Johnston, H Masenda, R Mantovan, TE Molholt, K Bharuth-Ram, HP Gislason, G Langouche, MB Madsen, D Naidoo, S Olafsson, G Weyer

Possible cage motion of interstitial Fe in {alpha}-Al {sub 2} O {sub 3}

Hyperfine Interactions [], Volume: 219

HP Gunnlaugsson, K Johnston, H Masenda, R Mantovan, TE Mølholt, K Bharuth-Ram, HP Gislason, G Langouche, MB Madsen, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, G Weyer

Possible cage motion of interstitial Fe in α-Al 2 O 3

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 219 Issue: 1 Pages: 33-40

R Mantovan, HP Gunnlaugsson, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, K Johnston, H Masenda, TE Mølholt, K Bharuth-Ram, M Fanciulli, HP Gislason, Guido Langouche, R Sielemann, G Weyer, Isolde Collaboration

Fe charge state adjustment in ZnO upon ion implantation

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter [IOP Publishing], Volume: 24 Issue: 48 Pages: 485801

A Zenkevich, M Minnekaev, Yu Lebedinskii, K Bulakh, A Chouprik, A Baturin, R Mantovan, M Fanciulli, O Uvarov

Pulsed laser deposition of ultrathin BaTiO 3/Fe bi-layers: Structural characterization and piezoelectric response

Thin Solid Films [Elsevier], Volume: 520 Issue: 14 Pages: 4586-4589

R Mantovan, S Vangelista, B Kutrzeba-Kotowska, S Cocco, A Lamperti, G Tallarida, D Mameli, M Fanciulli

Synthesis of magnetic tunnel junctions with full in situ atomic layer and chemical vapor deposition processes

Thin solid films [Elsevier], Volume: 520 Issue: 14 Pages: 4820-4822

S Vangelista, R Mantovan, S Cocco, A Lamperti, O Salicio, M Fanciulli

Chemical vapor deposition growth of Fe 3 O 4 thin films and Fe/Fe 3 O 4 bi-layers for their integration in magnetic tunnel junctions

Thin solid films [Elsevier], Volume: 520 Issue: 14 Pages: 4617-4621

S Vangelista, R Mantovan, S Cocco, A Lamperti, O Salicio, M Fanciulli

Chemical vapor deposition growth of Fe3O4 thin films and Fe/Fe3O4 bi-layers for their integration in magnetic tunnel junctions

Thin solid films [Elsevier], Volume: 520 Issue: 14 Pages: 4617-4621

AV Zenkevich, Yu A Matveyev, Yu Yu Lebedinskii, R Mantovan, M Fanciulli, S Thiess, W Drube

The effect of a ferromagnetic Gd marker on the effective work function of Fe in contact with Al2O3/Si

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 111 Issue: 7 Pages: 07C506

R Mantovan, S Vangelista, S Cocco, A Lamperti, O Salicio

Chemical vapor deposition of polycrystalline Fe3O4 thin films by using the cyclohexadiene iron tricarbonyl liquid precursor

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 111 Issue: 7 Pages: 07B107

TE Mølholt, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Johnston, R Mantovan, H Masenda, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, K Bharuth-Ram, HP Gislason, Guido Langouche, R Sielemann, G Weyer

Spin–lattice relaxations of paramagnetic Fe3+ in ZnO

Physica Scripta [IOP Publishing], Volume: 2012 Issue: T148 Pages: 014006

K Bharuth-Ram, WB Dlamini, H Masenda, D Naidoo, HP Gunnlaugsson, G Weyer, R Mantovan, TE Molholt, R Sielemann, S Olafsson, G Langouche, K Johnston

{sup 57} Fe Moessbauer studies on {sup 57} Mn {sup Asterisk-Operator} implanted InP and InAs

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [], Volume: 272

WB Dlamini, H Masenda, D Naidoo, HP Gunnlaugsson, G Weyer, R Mantovan, TE Mølholt, R Sielemann, S Ólafsson, G Langouche, K Johnston

57Fe Mössbauer studies on 57Mn* implanted InP and InAs

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B [], Volume: 272 Pages: 414-417

K Bharuth-Ram, WB Dlamini, H Masenda, D Naidoo, HP Gunnlaugsson, G Weyer, R Mantovan, TE Mølholt, R Sielemann, S Ólafsson, Guido Langouche, K Johnston, Isolde Collaboration

57 Fe Mössbauer studies on 57 Mn∗ implanted InP and InAs

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 272 Pages: 414-417

HP Gunnlaugsson, K Johnston, TE Mølholt, G Weyer, R Mantovan, H Masenda, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, K Bharuth-Ram, HP Gíslason, Guido Langouche, MB Madsen, Isolde Collaboration

Lattice locations and properties of Fe in Co/Fe co-implanted ZnO

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 100 Issue: 4 Pages: 042109

A Zenkevich, R Mantovan, M Fanciulli, M Minnekaev, Yu Matveyev, Yu Lebedinskii, S Thiess, W Drube

Fe/BaTiO3 interface: Band alignment and chemical properties

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 99 Issue: 18 Pages: 182905

HP Gunnlaugsson, TE Mølholt, R Mantovan, H Masenda, D Naidoo, WB Dlamini, R Sielemann, K Bharuth-Ram, G Weyer, K Johnston, Guido Langouche, S Ólafsson, HP Gíslason, Y Kobayashi, Y Yoshida, M Fanciulli, ISOLDE collaboration

Paramagnetism in Mn/Fe implanted ZnO

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 97 Issue: 14 Pages: 142501

HP Gunnlaugsson, R Mantovan, TE Molholt, D Naidoo, K Johnston, H Masenda, K Bharuth-Ram, G Langouche, S Olafsson, R Sielemann, G Weyer, Y Kobayashi

Moessbauer spectroscopy of {sup 57} Fe in {alpha}-Al {sub 2} O {sub 3} following implantation of {sup 57} Mn {sup*}

Hyperfine Interactions [], Volume: 198

H Masenda, D Naidoo, K Bharuth-Ram, HP Gunnlaugsson, G Weyer, WB Dlamini, R Mantovan, R Sielemann, M Fanciulli, TE Molholt, S Olafsson, G Langouche, K Johnston

Moessbauer study of {sup 57} Fe in GaAs and GaP following {sup 57} Mn {sup+} implantation

Hyperfine Interactions [], Volume: 198

HP Gunnlaugsson, R Mantovan, TE Mølholt, D Naidoo, K Johnston, H Masenda, K Bharuth-Ram, Guido Langouche, S Ólafsson, R Sielemann, G Weyer, Y Kobayashi, Isolde Collaboration

Mössbauer spectroscopy of 57 Fe in α-Al 2 O 3 following implantation of 57 Mn

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 198 Issue: 1 Pages: 5-13

H Masenda, D Naidoo, K Bharuth-Ram, HP Gunnlaugsson, G Weyer, WB Dlamini, R Mantovan, R Sielemann, M Fanciulli, TE Mølholt, S Ólafsson, Guido Langouche, K Johnston, Isolde Collaboration

Mössbauer study of 57 Fe in GaAs and GaP following 57 Mn+ implantation

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 198 Issue: 1 Pages: 15-22

HP Gunnlaugsson, R Sielemann, TE Mølholt, WB Dlamini, K Johnston, R Mantovan, H Masenda, D Naidoo, WN Sibanda, K Bharuth-Ram, M Fanciulli, HP Gíslason, Guido Langouche, S Ólafsson, G Weyer

Magnetism in iron implanted oxides: a status report

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 197 Issue: 1 Pages: 43-52

TE Mølholt, R Mantovan, HP Gunnlaugsson, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, K Bharuth-Ram, M Fanciulli, K Johnston, Y Kobayashi, G Langouche, H Masenda, R Sielemann, G Weyer, HP Gíslason

Observation of spin-lattice relaxations of dilute Fe 3+ in MgO by Mössbauer spectroscopy

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 197 Issue: 1 Pages: 89-94

R Mantovan, A Lamperti, M Georgieva, G Tallarida, M Fanciulli

CVD synthesis of polycrystalline magnetite thin films: structural, magnetic and magnetotransport properties

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [IOP Publishing], Volume: 43 Issue: 6 Pages: 065002

R Mantovan, HP Gunnlaugsson, D Naidoo, S Olafsson, K Bharuth-Ram, M Fanciulli, K Johnston, Y Kobayashi, Guido Langouche, H Masenda, R Sielemann, G Weyer, HP Gislason

Observation of spin-lattice relaxations of dilute Fe3+ in MgO by Mˆssbauer spectroscopy

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer], Volume: 197 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 89-94

TE Mølholt, R Mantovan, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Bharuth-Ram, M Fanciulli, HP Gíslason, K Johnston, Y Kobayashi, Guido Langouche, H Masenda, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, R Sielemann, G Weyer

Temperature and dose dependence of defect complex formation with ion implanted Mn/Fe in ZnO

Physica B: Condensed Matter [North-Holland], Volume: 404 Issue: 23-24 Pages: 4820-4822

R Mantovan, C Wiemer, A Lamperti, A Zenkevich, Yu Lebedinski, M Fanciulli

Dehydrogenation at the Fe/Lu 2 O 3 interface upon rapid thermal annealing

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials [North-Holland], Volume: 321 Issue: 15 Pages: 2350-2353

R Mantovan, C Wiemer, A Lamperti, A Zenkevich, Yu Lebedinski, M Fanciulli

Dehydrogenation at the Fe/Lu2O3 interface upon rapid thermal annealing

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials [North-Holland], Volume: 321 Issue: 15 Pages: 2350-2353

K Bharuth-Ram, HP Gunnlaugsson, G Weyer, R Mantovan, D Naidoo, R Sielemann, M Fanciulli, Guido Langouche, S Olafsson, Th Aigne

Mössbauer study of Fe in GaAs following 57Mn+ implantation

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 191 Issue: 1 Pages: 115-120

AV Zenkevich, Yu Yu Lebedinskii, A Yu Goikhman, VN Nevolin, PN Chernykh, VS Kulikauskas, R Mantovan, M Fanciulli

Growth and study of ultrathin insulating SiO2 and MgO layers on the ferromagnetic electrode surface

Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques [SP MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica], Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Pages: 173-178

Haraldur Pall Gunnlaugsson, Gerd Weyer, R Mantovan, D Naidoo, R Sielemann, K Bharuth-Ram, M Fanciulli, K Johnston, S Olafsson, Guido Langouche

Isothermal defect annealing in semiconductors investigated by time-delayed Mössbauer spectroscopy: application to ZnO

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 188 Issue: 1 Pages: 85-89

K Bharuth-Ram, RP Gunnlaugsson, G Weyer, R Mantovan, D Naidoo, R Sielemann, M Fanciulli, G Langouche, S Olafsson, Th Aigne

Mossbauer study of Fe in GaAs following 57 Mn+ implantation

ISIAME 2008 [SPRINGER], Pages: 445-+

HP Gunnlaugsson, G Weyer, R Mantovan, D Naidoo, R Sielemann, K Bharuth-Ram, M Fanciulli, K Johnston, S Olafsson, Guido Langouche

Isothermal defect annealing in semiconductors investigated by time-delayed Mössbauer spectroscopy: application to ZnO

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 188 Issue: 1 Pages: 85-89

D Naidoo, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Bharuth-Ram, VV Naicker, G Weyer, R Sielemann, R Mantovan, M Fanciulli

57 Fe Mössbauer investigations in p-type Silicon Germanium single crystals

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 188 Issue: 1 Pages: 11-17

HP Gunnlaugsson, C Bender Koch, K Bharuth-Ram, M Dietrich, Ö Helgason, MB Madsen, R Mantovan, D Naidoo, S Steinthorsson, L Vistisen, G Weyer

Disordered chromite in the Martian meteorite Allan Hills 84001

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 186 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 9-14

R Mantovan, A Debernardi, M Fanciulli

Size dependence of the Mössbauer recoilless fraction in β-Sn nanocrystals

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter [IOP Publishing], Volume: 20 Issue: 38 Pages: 385201

R Mantovan, M Georgieva, M Fanciulli, A Goikhman, N Barantcev, Yu Lebedinskii, A Zenkevich

Synthesis and characterization of Fe3Si/SiO2 structures for spintronics

physica status solidi (a) [WILEY‐VCH Verlag], Volume: 205 Issue: 8 Pages: 1753-1757

Israel Nowik, Israel Felner, VPS Awana, Arpita Vajpayee, H Kishan

57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetic measurement studies of oxygen deficient LaFeAsO

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter [IOP Publishing], Volume: 20 Issue: 29 Pages: 292201

K Baruth-Ram, Haraldur Pall Gunnlaugsson, R Mantovan, W Naicker, D Naidoo, R Sielemann, Gerd Weyer, Th Aigne

Mossbauer study of Fe in 3C-SiC following Mn-57 implantation

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer], Volume: 184 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 207-211

R Mantovan, M Georgieva, M Perego, HL Lu, S Cocco, A Zenkevich, G Scarel, M Fanciulli

Atomic layer deposition of magnetic thin films


G Weyer, HP Gunnlaugsson, R Mantovan, M Fanciulli, D Naidoo, K Bharuth-Ram, T Agne

Defect-related local magnetism at dilute Fe atoms in ion-implanted ZnO

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 102 Issue: 11 Pages: 113915

K Bharuth-Ram, VV Naicker, D Naidoo, HP Gunnlaugsson, R Mantovan, G Weyer, M Dietrich, JE Butler

Mössbauer study of 57 Fe in CVD diamond following 57 Mn implantation

Hyperfine Interactions [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 179 Issue: 1 Pages: 17-22

Roberto Mantovan, Marco Fanciulli

Development of a parallel-plate avalanche counter to perform conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy at low temperatures

Review of scientific instruments [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 78 Issue: 6 Pages: 063902

R Nistico, M Dozzi, L Mino, L Vigni, M Longhi, M Cantoni, R Mantovan, S Mostoni, R Scotti

Design of Cu-based Electro-Catalysts for Renewable Fuels Production through CO2 Reduction

Atti del XXVIII Congresso [Società Chimica Italiana], Volume: 2

D Ravelosona, L Herrera Diez, W Zhao, M Klaui, B Ockert, R Mantovan, A Lamperti, L Baldi, V Jacques, Laurent Vila, R Cowburn

Recent developments in the manipulation of magnetic domain walls in CoFeB–MgO wires for applications to high-density nonvolatile memories

Magnetic Nano-and Microwires [Woodhead Publishing], Pages: 333-378

H Masenda, D Naidoo, M Ncube, K Baruth-Ram, PH Gunnlaugsson, G Weyer, R Mantovan, K Johnston, T Mølholt, HP Gislason, S Ólafsson, G Lancouche

Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Mn/Fe-Implanted III-Nitrides

Exotic Nuclei: Proceedings of the First International African Symposium [], Pages: 577-578

Van Tuong Pham, Williams Marty, Matthieu Marty, Jean-Philippe Marty, Gilles Zahnd, T Pham, Alain Marty, L Laczkowski, T Savero Torres, C Beigne, C Vergnaud, M Jamet, A Attané, D Ravelosona, L Herrera Diez, W Zhao, M Kläui, B Ockert, R Mantovan, A Lamperti, L Baldi, V Jacques, Laurent Vila, R Cowburn

Recent developments in the manipulation of magnetic domain walls in CoFeB–MgO wires for applications to high-density nonvolatile memories

Magnetic Nano-and Microwires [Elsevier], Volume: 27 Issue: 3 Pages: 333-378

Yu A Matveev, AV Zenkevich, Yu Lebedinskij, R Mantovan, M Fanchulli, S Tiss, V Drube

Effect of superthin ferromagnetic Gd marker on effective work function of Fe in Fe/Gd/Al 2 O 3/Si mos-structure

Scientific session of NRNU MEPHI-2012. Abstracts. In three volumes. Volume 2. Problems of fundamental science. Strategic information technologies [],

Hilary Masenda, Krishanlal Bharuth-Ram, Deena Naidoo, Haraldur Páll Gunnlaugsson, Torben Estman Mølholt, Haflidi Petur Gislason, Karl Johnston, Roberto Mantovan, Rainer Sielemann, Guido Langouche, Sveinn Olafson, Gerd Weyer, Isolde Collaboration

Mössbauer study of 119 Sn in 119 In* implanted 3C-SiC

ICAME 2011 [Springer, Dordrecht], Pages: 651-654

Hilary Masenda, Krishanlal Bharuth-Ram, Deena Naidoo, Haraldur Páll Gunnlaugsson, Torben Estman Mølholt, Haflidi Petur Gislason, Karl Johnston, Roberto Mantovan, Rainer Sielemann, Guido Langouche, Sveinn Olafson, Gerd Weyer, Isolde Collaboration

Mössbauer study of 119 Sn in 119 In* implanted 3C-SiC

ICAME 2011 [Springer, Dordrecht], Pages: 651-654

R Mantovan, C Wiemer, A Lamperti, M Georgieva, M Fanciulli, A Goikhman, N Barantsev, Yu Lebedinskii, A Zenkevich

Mössbauer spectroscopy study of interfaces for spintronics

ISIAME 2008 [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 371-376

K Bharuth-Ram, VV Naicker, D Naidoo, HP Gunnlaugssen, R Mantovan, G Weyer, M Dietrich, JE Butler, ISOLDE Collaboration

Mössbauer study of 57Fe in CVD diamond following 57Mn implantation

HFI/NQI 2007 [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 353-358

K Bharuth-Ram, HP Gunnlaugsson, R Mantovan, VV Naicker, D Naidoo, R Sielemann, G Weyer, Th Aigne, ISOLDE Collaboration

Mössbauer study of Fe in 3C-SiC following 57Mn implantation

ICAME 2007 [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 621-625

D Naidoo, HP Gunnlaugsson, K Bharuth-Ram, VV Naicker, G Weyer, R Sielemann, R Mantovan, M Fanciulli, ISOLDE Collaboration

57Fe Mössbauer investigations in p-type Silicon Germanium single crystals

ICAME 2007 [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Pages: 1245-1251

K Bharuth-Ram, HP Gunnlaugsson, R Mantovan, VV Naicker, D Naidoo, R Sielemann, G Weyer, Th Aigne, ISOLDE Collaboration

Mössbauer study of Fe in 3C-SiC following 57 Mn implantation

ICAME 2007 [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 621-625

R Mantovan, C Wiemer, A Zenkevich, M Fanciulli

CEMS characterisation of Fe/high-κ oxide interfaces

ICAME 2005 [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 1349-1353

R Mantovan, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Low temperature CEMS of Sn-implanted SiO2

ICAME 2005 [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 69-73

R Mantovan, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Low temperature CEMS of Sn-implanted SiO 2

ICAME 2005 [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 69-73

G Weyer, Haraldur Pall Gunnlaugsson, K Bharuth-Ram, M Dietrich, R Mantovan, V Naicker, D Naidoo, R Sielemann

Acceleration of diffusional jumps of interstitial Fe with increasing Ge concentration in Si1− xGex alloys observed by Mössbauer spectroscopy

HFI/NQI 2004 [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Pages: 417-421

S Vangelista, E Cinquanta, C Martella, M Longo, A Lamperti, R Mantovan, M Alia, F BASSO BASSET, F PEZZOLI, A Molle

The Role of Deposition Temperature and Substrate for Scalable and Uniform Deposition of MoS2 Grown by Vapour-Solid Chemical Reaction

GraphITA 2015 [],

WS Zhao, Y Zhang, HP Trinh, JO Klein, C Chappert, R Mantovan, A Lamperti, RP Cowburn, Theodossis Trypiniotis, M Klaui, J Heinen, B Ocker, D Ravelosona

Magnetic domain-wall racetrack memory for high density and fast data storage

2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology [IEEE], Pages: 1-4

R Mantovan, Haraldur Pall Gunnlaugsson, K Bharuth-Ram, M Fanciulli, K Johnston, G Langouche, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, R Sielemann, Gerd Weyer

Observation of long lived Fe 3+ paramagnetic states in ZnO following the implantation with non-3d elements

3rd HFI/NQI 2010 [],

Torben Esmann Mølholt, R Mantovan, Haraldur Pall Gunnlaugsson, K Bharuth-Ram, M Fanciulli, K Johnston, Y Kobayashi, G Langouche, H Masenda, D Naidoo, S Ólafsson, R Sielemann, Axel Svane, Gerd Weyer

Lattice Location and Diffusion of Interstitial Fe in MgO

3rd HFI/NQI 2010 [],

Torben Esmann, R Mantovan, Haraldur Pall Gunnlaugsson

Temperature and dose dependence of defect complex formation with ion implanted Mn/Fe in ZnO

25th International Conference on Defects on Semiconductors [Elsevier],