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Research Director







Dr. Michele Perego is interested in the development of new bottom-up approaches for the synthesis of functional nanostructured materials with typical feature dimension below 20 nm. The focus of his research activity is on one side the investigation of fundamental issues related to the self -assembly processes in polymeric films and on the other side the use of these macromolecules to synthesize functional nanostructures. This result is obtained either by using the nanostructured polymeric material as a mask for subsequent processing of semiconducting or dielectric materials or by introducing proper functionalities in the macromolecules to use the self assembled polymeric nanostructures as active materials in electronic, optoelectronic or photovoltaic devices.  He is currently working on block copolymer self assembly to fabricate inorganic nanostructures. He is interested in the understanding the fundamental issues related ot the doping of semiconductor nanostructures and in the  development of new self-assembly strategies to control doping of semiconductors at the nanoscale.




Block Copolymer Self-Assembly


Fig.1: SEM images (top) and GISAX spectra (bottom) of self-assembled cylinder forming PS-b-PMMA block copolymer  thin films





Short Bio: Michele Perego received the Degree in Physics from Università degli Studi dell'Insubria in 1999. In February 2004 he obtained the PhD in Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics from the University of Milano for his work on the ToF-SIMS characterization of nanocrystals embedded in thin oxide films. During his PhD he worked in the EC project NEON on semiconducting nanocrystals for memory application. In the period 2004-2007 he has been Post-Doctoral Fellow at the MDM Laboratory. He has been employed as a Research Scientist from 2007 to 2019 at IMM-Unit of Agrate Brianza, where he is currenlty working as Senior Research Scientist. 


Skills: He is expert in the synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials for advanced microelectronic, optoelectronic and photovoltaic applications. He is expert in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and X-ray photoelectron Spectroscopy. He is interested in other analytical techniques for the characterization of thin films. He is trained on ultra high vacuum systems and he is experienced in clean room processes for microelectronic and optoelectronic applications.


Projects: He coordinated the national project MATRIX (2007-2009) on the fabrication of 2 dimensional arrays of Si nanoparticles by means of block copolymer technology. This two years project was funded by Fondazione Cariplo. He was the coordinator of the international project NANOBLOCK (2009-2012). This project was funded by the Nanosci-ERA consortium and aimed at the integration of top-down and bottom-up approaches for the manipulation of semiconducting and metallic nanostructures. He was the principal investigator for MDM in the European project NanoPV (2011-2014) devoted to the implementation of nanostructured materials for high efficiency solar cells. He is currently involved in the research project IONS4SET (2016-2020) for the fabrication of single electron transistors. 


Pubblications: He holds more that 120 pubblications in peer reviews journals, 6 cover pages and 3 extended patents. He is regularly  tutoring master and PhD students, and supervising post-docs. He presented various invited seminars at Universities and Schools and at International conferences.


Scientific Productions

Stefano Kuschlan, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus, Francesc Pérez-Murano, Jordi Llobet, Marta Fernandez-Regulez, Caroline Bonafos, Michele Perego, Gabriele Seguini, Marco De Michielis, Graziella Tallarida

Nanoscale Periodic Modulation of Doping over Large Areas with Block Copolymer Lithography and Ion Implantation

Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 244 [The Electrochemical Society, Inc.], Issue: 30 Pages: 1536-1536

Andrea Pulici, Stefano Kuschlan, Gabriele Seguini, Fabiana Taglietti, Marco Fanciulli, Riccardo Chiarcos, Michele Laus, Michele Perego

Electrical Characterization of Ultra-Thin Silicon-on-Insulator Films Doped By Means of Phosphorus End-Terminated Polymers

Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 244 [The Electrochemical Society, Inc.], Issue: 30 Pages: 1552-1552

Gianluca Barin, Gabriele Seguini, Riccardo Chiarcos, Viviana Maria Ospina, Michele Laus, Cristina Lenardi, Michele Perego

Phosphorus activation in silicon: To deglaze or not to deglaze, that is the question

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing [Pergamon], Volume: 165 Pages: 107691

Andrea Pulici, Stefano Kuschlan, Gabriele Seguini, Fabiana Taglietti, Marco Fanciulli, Riccardo Chiarcos, Michele Laus, Michele Perego

Electrical characterization of thin silicon-on-insulator films doped by means of phosphorus end-terminated polymers

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing [Pergamon], Volume: 163 Pages: 107548

Valerio Di Palma, Andrea Pianalto, Michele Perego, Graziella Tallarida, Davide Codegoni, Marco Fanciulli

Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition of IrO2 for Neuroelectronics

Nanomaterials [MDPI], Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Pages: 976

Viviana Maria Ospina, Riccardo Chiarcos, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus, Stefano Kuschlan, Claudia Wiemer, Michele Perego

Brush Layers of Bioinspired Polypeptoids for Deterministic Doping of Semiconductors

ACS Applied Electronic Materials [American Chemical Society], Volume: 4 Issue: 12 Pages: 6029-6037

Alessia Motta, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego, Roberto Consonni, Antonella Caterina Boccia, Gina Ambrosio, Camilla Baratto, Pierfrancesco Cerruti, Marino Lavorgna, Stefano Tagliabue, Claudia Wiemer

Sequential Infiltration Synthesis of Al2O3 in Biodegradable Polybutylene Succinate: Characterization of the Infiltration Mechanism

ACS Applied Polymer Materials [American Chemical Society], Volume: 4 Issue: 10 Pages: 7191-7203

Gabriele Seguini, Alessia Motta, Marco Bigatti, Federica E Caligiore, Guido Rademaker, Ahmed Gharbi, Raluca Tiron, Graziella Tallarida, Michele Perego, Elena Cianci

Al2O3 Dot and Antidot Array Synthesis in Hexagonally Packed Poly(styrene-block-methyl methacrylate) Nanometer-Thick Films for Nanostructure Fabrication

ACS Applied Nano Materials [American Chemical Society], Volume: 5 Issue: 7 Pages: 9818-9828

Tao Wang, Stefano Brivio, Elena Cianci, Claudia Wiemer, Michele Perego, Sabina Spiga, Mario Lanza

Improving HfO2-Based Resistive Switching Devices by Inserting a TaOx Thin Film via Engineered In Situ Oxidation

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces [American Chemical Society],

Tommaso J Giammaria, Michele Laus, Riccardo Chiarcos, Christopher K Ober, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego

Influence of spin casting solvent on the self-assembly of silicon-containing block copolymer thin films via high temperature thermal treatment

Polymer International [Wiley], Volume: 71 Issue: 4 Pages: 426-435

Riccardo Chiarcos, Michele Perego, Michele Laus

Polymer Brushes by Grafting to Reaction in Melt: New Insights into the Mechanism

Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics [], Pages: 2200400

Riccardo Chiarcos, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus, Gianmarco Munaò, Giuseppe Milano, Antonio De Nicola, Michele Perego

Short vs. long chains competition during “grafting to” process from melt

Polymer Chemistry [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 13 Issue: 26 Pages: 3904-3914

Michele Perego, Stefano Kuschlan, Gabriele Seguini, Riccardo Chiarcos, Valentina Gianotti, Diego Antonioli, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus

Silicon Doping by Polymer Grafting: Size Distribution Matters

ACS Applied Polymer Materials [American Chemical Society], Volume: 3 Issue: 12 Pages: 6383-6393

Nikolaos Vasileiadis, Panagiotis Karakolis, Panagiotis Mandylas, Vassilios Ioannou-Sougleridis, Pascal Normand, Michele Perego, Philomela Komninou, Vasileios Ntinas, Iosif-Angelos Fyrigos, Ioannis Karafyllidis, Georgios Ch Sirakoulis, Panagiotis Dimitrakis

Understanding the role of defects in Silicon Nitride-based resistive switching memories through oxygen doping

IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology [IEEE], Volume: 20 Pages: 356-364

Michele Perego, Gabriele Seguini, Edoardo Mascheroni, Elisa Arduca, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus

Doping of Silicon by Phosphorus End-Terminated Polymers: source characterization and dopant diffusion in SiO2

Journal of Materials Chemistry C [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 9 Issue: 11 Pages: 4020-4028

Riccardo Chiarcos, Diego Antonioli, Viviana Ospina, Michele Laus, Michele Perego, Valentina Gianotti

Quantification of molecular weight discrimination in grafting to reactions from ultrathin polymer films by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass …

Analyst [Royal Society of Chemistry],

Diego Antonioli, Riccardo Chiarcos, Valentina Gianotti, Margherita Terragno, Michele Laus, Gianmarco Munaò, Giuseppe Milano, Antonio De Nicola, Michele Perego

Inside the brush: partition by molecular weight in grafting to reactions from melt

Polymer Chemistry [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 12 Issue: 45 Pages: 6538-6547

Michele Laus, Riccardo Chiarcos, Valentina Gianotti, Diego Antonioli, Katia Sparnacci, Gianmarco Munaò, Giuseppe Milano, Antonio De Nicola, Michele Perego

Evidence of Mechanochemical Control in “Grafting to” Reactions of Hydroxy-Terminated Statistical Copolymers

Macromolecules [American Chemical Society],

Chiara Barri, Erfan Mafakheri, Luca Fagiani, Giulio Tavani, Andrea Barzaghi, Daniel Chrastina, Alexey Fedorov, Jacopo Frigerio, Mario Lodari, Francesco Scotognella, Elisa Arduca, Marco Abbarchi, Michele Perego, Monica Bollani

Engineering of the spin on dopant process on silicon on insulator substrate

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Pages: 025303

Michele Perego, Gabriele Seguini, Elisa Arduca, Andrea Nomellini, Francesco Caruso, Katia Sparnacci, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Riccardo Chiarcos, Michele Laus

Toward Deterministic Doping of Silicon via Dopant Containing Homopolymer

Bulletin of the American Physical Society [American Physical Society], Volume: 65

Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego

Hexagonal pattern coarsening in cylinder-forming PS-b-PMMA block copolymer thin films

Bulletin of the American Physical Society [American Physical Society], Volume: 65

Massimo Mastrangeli, Michele Perego

Bottom‐Up Assembly of Micro/Nanostructures

Advanced Materials Interfaces [], Volume: 7 Issue: 5 Pages: 2000182

Katia Sparnacci, Riccardo Chiarcos, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Michele Perego, Gianmarco Munao, Giuseppe Milano, Antonio De Nicola, Martin Haese, Lucas P Kreuzer, Tobias Widmann, Peter Muller-Buschbaum

Effect of Trapped Solvent on the Interphase between PS-b-PMMA Thin Film and P (Sr-MMA) Brush Layer

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces [American Chemical Society],

Katia Sparnacci, Riccardo Chiarcos, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus, Tommaso J Giammaria, Michele Perego, Gianmarco Munao, Giuseppe Milano, Antonio De Nicola, Martin Haese, Lucas P Kreuzer, Tobias Widmann, Peter Müller-Buschbaum

Effect of Trapped Solvent on the Interface between PS-b-PMMA Thin Films and P(S-r-MMA) Brush Layers

ACS applied materials & interfaces [American Chemical Society], Volume: 12 Issue: 6 Pages: 7777-7787

Michele Perego, Francesco Caruso, Gabriele Seguini, Elisa Arduca, Roberto Mantovan, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus

Doping of Silicon by Phosphorus End-Terminated Polymers: Drive-in and Activation of Dopants

Journal of Materials Chemistry C [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 8 Issue: 30 Pages: 10229-10237

Gabriele Seguini, Fabio Zanenga, Gianluca Cannetti, Michele Perego

Thermodynamic and ordering kinetics in asymmetric PS-b-PMMA block copolymer thin films

Soft Matter [Royal Society of Chemistry],

Gabriele Seguini, Fabio Zanenga, Gianluca Cannetti, Michele Perego

Thermodynamics and ordering kinetics in asymmetric PS-b-PMMA block copolymer thin films

Soft Matter [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 16 Issue: 23 Pages: 5525-5533

Gabriele Seguini, Fabio Zanenga, Gianluca Cannetti, Michele Perego

Thermodynamic and ordering kinetics in asymmetric PS-b-PMMA block copolymer thin films

arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.08120 [],

Riccardo Chiarcos, Valentina Gianotti, Maurizio Cossi, Alberto Zoccante, Diego Antonioli, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus, Federica Elvira Caligiore, Michele Perego

Thermal Degradation in Ultrathin Films Outperforms Dose Control of n-Type Polymeric Dopants for Silicon

ACS Applied Electronic Materials [American Chemical Society], Volume: 1 Issue: 9 Pages: 1807-1816

Federica E Caligiore, Daniele Nazzari, Elena Cianci, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus, Michele Perego, Gabriele Seguini

Effect of the Density of Reactive Sites in P(S‐r‐MMA) Film during Al2O3 Growth by Sequential Infiltration Synthesis

Advanced Materials Interfaces [], Volume: 6 Issue: 12 Pages: 1900503

Elena Cianci, Daniele Nazzari, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego

Trimethylaluminum Diffusion in PMMA Thin Films during Sequential Infiltration Synthesis: In Situ Dynamic Spectroscopic Ellipsometric Investigation

Advanced Materials Interfaces [], Volume: 5 Issue: 20 Pages: 1801016

Michele Laus, Michele Perego

Control of Silicon Doping Level By Self Limited Reactions

ECS Meeting Abstracts [IOP Publishing], Issue: 3 Pages: 150

Riccardo Chiarcos, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus, Gabriele Seguini, Fabio Zanenga, Michele Perego

From grafting to to grafting from

AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 1981 Issue: 1 Pages: 020167

Cristiano Aliberti, Diego Antonioli, Katia Sparnacci, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus, Giovanni Paleari, Elisa Arduca, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego

Boron-terminated polystyrene as potential spin-on dopant for microelectronic applications

AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 1981 Issue: 1 Pages: 020173

Riccardo Chiarcos, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus, Gabriele Seguini, Elisa Arduca, Andrea Nomellini, Michele Perego

Deterministic doping via self-limited grafting of phosphorus end-terminated polymers

AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 1981 Issue: 1 Pages: 020165

Valentina Gianotti, Diego Antonioli, Katia Sparnacci, Gabriele Seguini, Claudio Cassino, Michele Perego, Michele Laus

Analysis of phosphorus-end capped functionalpolymers, from bulk to ultrathin films

AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 1981 Issue: 1 Pages: 020164

Michele Perego

Focus on sub-10 nm nanofabrication

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 29 Issue: 26 Pages: 260201

Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Andrea Miti, Giampaolo Zuccheri, Stefano Carignano, Katia Sparnacci, Gabriele Seguini, Natascia De Leo, Luca Boarino, Michele Perego, Michele Laus

Hierarchical Order in Dewetted Block Copolymer Thin Films on Chemically Patterned Surfaces

ACS nano [American Chemical Society], Volume: 12 Issue: 7 Pages: 7076-7085

Gabriele Seguini, Fabio Zanenga, Michele Laus, Michele Perego

Ordering kinetics in two-dimensional hexagonal pattern of cylinder-forming PS-b-PMMA block copolymer thin films: Dependence on the segregation strength

Physical Review Materials [American Physical Society], Volume: 2 Issue: 5 Pages: 055605

Masoud Dialameh, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Philipp Hönicke, Yves Kayser, Burkhard Beckhoff, Thomas Weimann, Claudia Fleischmann, Wilfried Vandervorst, Pavo Dubček, Branko Pivac, Michele Perego, Gabriele Seguini, Natascia De Leo, Luca Boarino

Development and Synchrotron‐Based Characterization of Al and Cr Nanostructures as Potential Calibration Samples for 3D Analytical Techniques

physica status solidi (a) [], Volume: 215 Issue: 6 Pages: 1700866

Masoud Dialameh, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Philipp Hönicke, Yves Kayser, Burkhard Beckhoff, Thomas Weimann, Claudia Fleischmann, Wilfried Vandervorst, Pavo Dubček, Branko Pivac, Michele Perego, Gabriele Seguini, Natascia De Leo, Luca Boarino

Development and Synchrotron‐Based Characterization of Al and Cr Nanostructures as Potential Calibration Samples for 3D Analytical Techniques

physica status solidi (a) [], Volume: 215 Issue: 6 Pages: 1700866

Masoud Dialameh, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Philipp Hönicke, Yves Kayser, Burkhard Beckhoff, Thomas Weimann, Claudia Fleischmann, Wilfried Vandervorst, Pavo Dubček, Branko Pivac, Michele Perego, Gabriele Seguini, Natascia De Leo, Luca Boarino

Development and Synchrotron‐Based Characterization of Al and Cr Nanostructures as Potential Calibration Samples for 3D Analytical Techniques (Phys. Status Sol...

physica status solidi (a) [], Volume: 215 Issue: 6 Pages: 1870010

Michele Perego, Gabriele Seguini, Elisa Arduca, Andrea Nomellini, Katia Sparnacci, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus

Control of Doping Level in Semiconductors via Self-Limited Grafting of Phosphorus End-Terminated Polymers

ACS nano [American Chemical Society], Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 178-186

Michele Perego, Gabriele Seguini, Elisa Arduca, Andrea Nomellini, Katia Sparnacci, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus

Control of Doping Level in Semiconductors via Self-Limited Grafting of Phosphorus End-Terminated Polymers

ACS nano [American Chemical Society], Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 178–186

E Arduca, G Seguini, C Martella, A Lamperti, E Napolitani, D De Salvador, G Nicotra, M Scuderi, C Spinella, M Perego

Electronic band structures of undoped and P-doped Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO 2

Journal of Materials Chemistry C [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 119-126

Valentina Gianotti, Diego Antonioli, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus, Claudio Cassino, Francesco Marsano, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego

TGA-GC-MS Quantitative Analysis of Phosphorus-End Capped Functional Polymers in Bulk and Ultrathin Films

Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis [Elsevier], Volume: 128 Pages: 238-245

V Gianotti Chiarcos, M Terragno, M Laus, G Munaò, G Milano, A De Nicola, M Perego

Polymer Chemistry

Polymer [], Volume: 8 Issue: 25 Pages: 5255-5446

M Dialameh, F Ferrarese Lupi, Dario Imbraguglio, F Zanenga, A Lamperti, D Martella, G Seguini, M Perego, Andrea Mario Rossi, N De Leo, L Boarino

Influence of Block Copolymer feature size on Reactive Ion Etching pattern transfer into silicon.

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 28 Issue: 40 Pages: 404001

Giulia Aprile, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Matteo Fretto, Emanuele Enrico, Natascia De Leo, Luca Boarino, Flavio Giovanni Volpe, Gabriele Seguini, Katia Sparnacci, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus, Jørgen Garnæs, Michele Perego

Toward Lateral Length Standards at the Nanoscale Based on Diblock Copolymers

ACS applied materials & interfaces [American Chemical Society], Volume: 9 Issue: 18 Pages: 15685-15697

Giulia Aprile, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Matteo Fretto, Emanuele Enrico, Natascia De Leo, Luca Boarino, Flavio Giovanni Volpe, Gabriele Seguini, Katia Sparnacci, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus, Jørgen Garnaes, Michele Perego

Towards Lateral Length Standards at the Nanoscale Based on DiBlock Copolymers

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces [American Chemical Society],

F Ferrarese Lupi, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Laus, Pavo Dubček, Branko Pivac, Sigrid Bernstorff, Michele Perego

GISAXS analysis of the in-depth morphology of thick PS-b-PMMA films

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces [], Volume: 9 Pages: 11054-11063

Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Laus, Pavo Dubček, Branko Pivac, Sigrid Bernstorff, Michele Perego

GISAXS Analysis of the In-Depth Morphology of Thick PS-b-PMMA Films

ACS applied materials & interfaces [American Chemical Society], Volume: 9 Issue: 12 Pages: 11054-11063

Katia Sparnacci, Diego Antonioli, Michele Perego, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Giampaolo Zuccheri, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus

Cover Image, Volume 66, Issue 3

Polymer International [John Wiley & Sons, Ltd], Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: i-i

Gabriele Barrera, F Celegato, M Coïsson, A Manzin, F Ferrarese Lupi, G Seguini, L Boarino, G Aprile, M Perego, P Tiberto

Magnetization switching in high-density magnetic nanodots by a fine-tune sputtering process on large area diblock copolymer mask

Nanoscale [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 9 Issue: 43 Pages: 16981-16992

Ivan Marri, Elena Degoli, Stefano Ossicini, Elisa Arduca, Michele Perego

Doped and codoped silicon nanocrystals: The role of surfaces and interfaces

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing [], Volume: 62 Pages: 156

Elisa Arduca, Gabriele Seguini, Christian Martella, Alessio Lamperti, Enrico Napolitani, Davide De Salvador, Giuseppe Nicotra, Mario Scuderi, Corrado Spinella, Michele Perego

Electronic Band Structure of undoped and P-doped Si Nanocrystals embedded in SiO 2

Journal of Materials Chemistry C [Royal Society of Chemistry],

Celia Castro, Gérard BenAssayag, Béatrice Pecassou, Andrea Andreozzi, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon

Nanoscale control of Si nanoparticles within a 2D hexagonal array embedded in SiO2 thin films

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 28 Issue: 1 Pages: 014001

Katia Sparnacci, Diego Antonioli, Michele Perego, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Giampaolo Zuccheri, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus

High temperature surface neutralization process with random copolymers for block copolymer self‐assembly

Polymer International [John Wiley & Sons, Ltd], Volume: 66 Pages: 459-467

Katia Sparnacci, Diego Antonioli, Michele Perego, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Giampaolo Zuccheri, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus

High temperature surface neutralization process with random copolymers for block copolymer self‐assembly

Polymer International [John Wiley & Sons, Ltd], Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 459–467

Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus, Marco Clericuzio, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego

Molar mass and composition effects on the thermal stability of functional P (S-r-MMA) random copolymers for nanolithographic applications

Molecular Systems Design & Engineering [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 2 Issue: 5 Pages: 581-588

Jacopo Frascaroli, Elena Cianci, Sabina Spiga, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego

Ozone-Based Sequential Infiltration Synthesis of Al2O3 Nanostructures in Symmetric Block Copolymer

ACS applied materials & interfaces [American Chemical Society], Volume: 8 Issue: 49 Pages: 33933-33942

Michele Perego, G Seguini

Self-assembly strategies for the synthesis of functional nanostructured materials

La Rivista del nuovo Cimento [Società Italiana di Fisica], Volume: 39 Pages: 279-312

Katia Sparnacci, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego, Michele Laus

Surface engineering with functional random copolymers for nanolithographic applications

AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 1736 Issue: 1 Pages: 020170

Diego Antonioli, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Monica Ceresoli, Michele Perego, Valentina Gianotti

Neutral wetting brush layers for block copolymer thin films using homopolymer blends

AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 1736 Issue: 1 Pages: 020169

Diego Antonioli, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Monica Ceresoli, Michele Perego, Valentina Gianotti

Composition of ultrathin binary polymer brushes by thermogravimetry–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry

Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Volume: 408 Issue: 12 Pages: 3155-3163

Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego, Francesco Vita, Oriano Francescangeli, Brandon Wenning, Christopher K Ober, Katia Sparnacci, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus

Micrometer-scale ordering of silicon-containing block copolymer thin films via high-temperature thermal treatments

ACS applied materials & interfaces [American Chemical Society], Volume: 8 Issue: 15 Pages: 9897-9908

Gabriele Seguini, Fabio Zanenga, Tommaso J Giammaria, Monica Ceresoli, Katia Sparnacci, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus, Michele Perego

Enhanced lateral ordering in cylinder forming PS-b-PMMA block copolymers exploiting the entrapped solvent

ACS applied materials & interfaces [American Chemical Society], Volume: 8 Issue: 12 Pages: 8280-8288

Elisa Arduca, Massimo Mastromatteo, Davide De Salvador, Gabriele Seguini, Cristina Lenardi, Enrico Napolitani, Michele Perego

Synthesis and characterization of P δ-layer in SiO2 by monolayer doping

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 27 Issue: 7 Pages: 075606

Massimo Mastromatteo, Davide De Salvador, Enrico Napolitani, Elisa Arduca, Gabriele Seguini, Jacopo Frascaroli, Michele Perego, Giuseppe Nicotra, Corrado Spinella, Cristina Lenardi, Alberto Carnera

Modeling of phosphorus diffusion in silicon oxide and incorporation in silicon nanocrystals

Journal of Materials Chemistry C [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 4 Issue: 16 Pages: 3531-3539

Bin Han, Yasuo Shimizu, Gabriele Seguini, Elisa Arduca, Celia Castro, Gérard Ben Assayag, Koji Inoue, Yasuyoshi Nagai, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, Michele Perego

Evolution of shape, size, and areal density of a single plane of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO 2 matrix studied by atom probe tomography

RSC advances [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 6 Issue: 5 Pages: 3617-3622

Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Giulia Aprile, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Giampaolo Zuccheri, Natascia De Leo, Luca Boarino, Michele Laus, Michele Perego

Thickness and Microdomain Orientation of Asymmetric PS-b-PMMA Block Copolymer Films Inside Periodic Gratings

ACS applied materials & interfaces [American Chemical Society], Volume: 7 Issue: 42 Pages: 23615-23622

M Ceresoli, M Palermo, F Ferrarese Lupi, G Seguini, M Perego, G Zuccheri, SD Phadatare, D Antonioli, V Gianotti, K Sparnacci, M Laus

Neutral wetting brush layers for block copolymer thin films using homopolymer blends processed at high temperatures

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 26 Issue: 41 Pages: 415603

Katia Sparnacci, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego

Ultrathin random copolymer-grafted layers for block copolymer self-assembly

ACS applied materials & interfaces [American Chemical Society], Volume: 7 Issue: 20 Pages: 10944-10951

Jacopo Frascaroli, Gabriele Seguini, Sabina Spiga, Michele Perego, Luca Boarino

Fabrication of periodic arrays of metallic nanoparticles by block copolymer templates on HfO2 substrates

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 26 Issue: 21 Pages: 215301

Jacopo Frascaroli, Stefano Brivio, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Gabriele Seguini, Luca Boarino, Michele Perego, Sabina Spiga

Resistive switching in high-density nanodevices fabricated by block copolymer self-assembly

ACS nano [American Chemical Society], Volume: 9 Issue: 3 Pages: 2518-2529

Katia Sparnacci, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus, Giampaolo Zuccheri, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Monica Ceresoli, Michele Perego

Thermal Stability of Functional P (Sr-MMA) Random Copolymers for Nanolithographic Applications

ACS applied materials & interfaces [American Chemical Society], Volume: 7 Issue: 7 Pages: 3920-3930

Michele Perego, Gabriele Seguini, Elisa Arduca, Jacopo Frascaroli, Davide De Salvador, Massimo Mastromatteo, Alberto Carnera, Giuseppe Nicotra, Mario Scuderi, Corrado Spinella, Giuliana Impellizzeri, Cristina Lenardi, Enrico Napolitani

Thermodynamic stability of high phosphorus concentration in silicon nanostructures

Nanoscale [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 7 Issue: 34 Pages: 14469-14475

Monica Ceresoli, Flavio Giovanni Volpe, Gabriele Seguini, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus, Michele Perego

Scaling of correlation length in lamellae forming PS-b-PMMA thin films upon high temperature rapid thermal treatments

Journal of Materials Chemistry C [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 3 Issue: 33 Pages: 8618-8624

F Ferrarese Lupi, TJ Giammaria, FG Volpe, F Lotto, G Seguini, B Pivac, M Laus, M Perego

High aspect ratio PS-b-PMMA block copolymer masks for lithographic applications

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces [AMER CHEMICAL SOC], Volume: 6 Issue: 23 Pages: 21389-21396

G Seguini, J Llamoja Curi, S Spiga, G Tallarida, C Wiemer, M Perego

Solid-state dewetting of ultra-thin Au films on SiO {sub 2} and HfO {sub 2}

Nanotechnology [], Volume: 25

F Ferrarese Lupi, TJ Giammaria, FG Volpe, F Lotto, G Seguini, Branko Pivac, M Laus, M Perego

High aspect ratio PS-b-PMMA block copolymer masks for lithographic applications

ACS applied materials & interfaces [American Chemical Society], Volume: 6 Issue: 23 Pages: 21389-21396

Michele Perego, Andrea Andreozzi, Gabriele Seguini, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, Celia Castro, Gerard BenAssayag

Silicon crystallization in nanodot arrays organized by block copolymer lithography

Journal of nanoparticle research [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 16 Issue: 12 Pages: 1-10

G Seguini, J Llamoja Curi, S Spiga, G Tallarida, C Wiemer, M Perego

Solid-state dewetting of ultra-thin Au films on SiO2 and HfO2

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 25 Issue: 49 Pages: 495603

Valentina Gianotti, Diego Antonioli, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Monica Ceresoli, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego

Characterization of ultra-thin polymeric films by Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry hyphenated to thermogravimetry

Journal of Chromatography A [Elsevier], Volume: 1368 Pages: 204-210

M Mastromatteo, E Arduca, E Napolitani, G Nicotra, D De Salvador, L Bacci, J Frascaroli, G Seguini, M Scuderi, G Impellizzeri, C Spinella, M Perego, A Carnera

Quantification of phosphorus diffusion and incorporation in silicon nanocrystals embedded in silicon oxide

Surface and Interface Analysis [], Volume: 46 Issue: S1 Pages: 393-396

D Antonioli, V Gianotti, K Sparnacci, M Laus, F Ferrarese Lupi, TJ Giammaria, M Ceresoli, G Seguini, M Perego

Polimeri statistici funzionalizzati per la neutralizzazione di superfici

XXI Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Scienze e Tecnologie delle Macromolecole [Edizioni Nuova Cultura], Pages: 89

Monica Ceresoli, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Gabriele Seguini, Katia Sparnacci, Valentina Gianotti, Diego Antonioli, Michele Laus, Luca Boarino, Michele Perego

Evolution of lateral ordering in symmetric block copolymer thin films upon rapid thermal processing

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 25 Issue: 27 Pages: 275601

Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Francesco Vita, Oriano Francescangeli, Katia Sparnacci, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Michele Laus, Michele Perego

Fine tuning of lithographic masks through thin films of PS-b-PMMA with different molar mass by rapid thermal processing

ACS applied materials & interfaces [American Chemical Society], Volume: 6 Issue: 10 Pages: 7180-7188

Michele Perego, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Monica Ceresoli, Tommaso J Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus, Luca Boarino

Self-assembly kinetics in Symmetric Diblock Copolymer Thin Films during solvent assisted thermal treatments

APS March Meeting Abstracts [], Volume: 2014 Pages: S19. 001

Michele Perego, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Tommaso J Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Monica Ceresoli, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus

Flash Grafting of Functional Random Copolymers for Surface Neutralization

APS March Meeting Abstracts [], Volume: 2014 Pages: P1. 168

Michele Perego, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Tommaso J Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Valentina Gianotti, Diego Antonioli, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus, Emanuele Enrico, Natascia De Leo, Luca Boarino, Christopher K Ober

Rapid thermal processing of self-assembling block copolymer thin films on flat surfaces and topographically defined patterns

APS March Meeting Abstracts [], Volume: 2014 Pages: P1. 167

Gabriele Seguini, Tommaso J Giammaria, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Katia Sparnacci, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Francesco Vita, Immacolata F Placentino, Jan Hilhorst, Claudio Ferrero, Oriano Francescangeli, Michele Laus, Michele Perego

Thermally induced self-assembly of cylindrical nanodomains in low molecular weight PS-b-PMMA thin films

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 25 Issue: 4 Pages: 045301

Yasuo Shimizu, Hisashi Takamizawa, Koji Inoue, Fumiko Yano, Yasuyoshi Nagai, Luca Lamagna, Giovanni Mazzeo, Michele Perego, Enrico Prati

Behavior of phosphorous and contaminants from molecular doping combined with a conventional spike annealing method

Nanoscale [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Pages: 706-710

F Ferrarese Lupi, TJ Giammaria, G Seguini, M Laus, Emanuele Enrico, N De Leo, Luca Boarino, CK Ober, M Perego

Thermally induced orientational flipping of cylindrical phase diblock copolymers

Journal of Materials Chemistry C [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 2 Issue: 12 Pages: 2175-2182

Michele Perego, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Monica Ceresoli, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Gabriele Seguini, Emanuele Enrico, Luca Boarino, Diego Antonioli, Valentina Gianotti, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus

Ordering dynamics in symmetric PS-b-PMMA diblock copolymer thin films during rapid thermal processing

Journal of Materials Chemistry C [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 2 Issue: 32 Pages: 6655-6664

F Ferrarese Lupi, TJ Giammaria, G Seguini, M Ceresoli, M Perego, D Antonioli, V Gianotti, K Sparnacci, M Laus

Flash grafting of functional random copolymers for surface neutralization

Journal of Materials Chemistry C [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 2 Issue: 25 Pages: 4909-4917

Valentina Gianotti, Diego Antonioli, Katia Sparnacci, Michele Laus, Tommaso Jacopo Giammaria, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego

On the thermal stability of PS-b-PMMA block and P (S-r-MMA) random copolymers for nanopatterning applications

Macromolecules [American Chemical Society], Volume: 46 Issue: 20 Pages: 8224-8234

Paolo Pellegrino, Michele Perego, Sylvie Schamm‐Chardon, Gabriele Seguini, Andrea Andreozzi, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Celia Castro, Gerard Ben Assayag

Fabrication of well‐ordered arrays of silicon nanocrystals using a block copolymer mask

physica status solidi (a) [], Volume: 210 Issue: 8 Pages: 1477-1484

F Ferrarese Lupi, TJ Giammaria, M Ceresoli, G Seguini, K Sparnacci, D Antonioli, V Gianotti, M Laus, M Perego

Rapid thermal processing of self-assembling block copolymer thin films

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 24 Issue: 31 Pages: 315601

G Seguini, Celia Castro, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, Gérard Benassayag, P Pellegrino, M Perego

Scaling size of the interplay between quantum confinement and surface related effects in nanostructured silicon

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 103 Issue: 2 Pages: 023103

M Perego, A Andreozzi, A Vellei, F Ferrarese Lupi, G Seguini

Collective behavior of block copolymer thin films within periodic topographical structures

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 24 Issue: 24 Pages: 245301

Petko Vitanov, Antoaneta Harizanova, Tatyana Ivanova, Michele Perego, Gaute Stokkan, Alexander Ulyashin

Effective surface passivation of Si surfaces by chemical deposition of (Al2O3) x (B2O3) 1− x thin layers

physica status solidi (a) [WILEY‐VCH Verlag], Volume: 210 Issue: 4 Pages: 701-706

J Frascaroli, G Seguini, E Cianci, D Saynova, J Van Roosmalen, M Perego

Surface passivation for ultrathin Al2O3 layers grown at low temperature by thermal atomic layer deposition

physica status solidi (a) [WILEY‐VCH Verlag], Volume: 210 Issue: 4 Pages: 732-736

G Seguini, E Cianci, C Wiemer, D Saynova, JAM Van Roosmalen, M Perego

Si surface passivation by Al2O3 thin films deposited using a low thermal budget atomic layer deposition process

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 102 Issue: 13 Pages: 131603

Davide Sangalli, Alessio Lamperti, Elena Cianci, Roberta Ciprian, Michele Perego, Alberto Debernardi

Role of oxygen vacancies on the structure and density of states of iron-doped zirconia

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 87 Issue: 8 Pages: 085206

Celia Castro, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, Béatrice Pécassou, A Andreozzi, G Seguini, M Perego, Gérard Benassayag

In-plane organization of silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 thin films

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 24 Issue: 7 Pages: 075302

Desislava S Saynova, Gaby JM Janssen, Antonius R Burgers, Agnes A Mewe, Elena Cianci, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego

Al2O3 passivation on c-Si surfaces for low temperature solar cell applications

Energy Procedia [Elsevier], Volume: 38 Pages: 872-880

Sahika Inal, Jonas D Kölsch, Leonardo Chiappisi, Dietmar Janietz, Michael Gradzielski, André Laschewsky, Dieter Neher

Structure-related differences in the temperature-regulated fluorescence response of LCST type polymers

Journal of Materials Chemistry C [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 1 Issue: 40 Pages: 6603-6612

Michele Perego, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, Paolo Pellegrino

Organized Nanostructures and Nano-objects: Fabrication, characterization and applications

Phys. Status Solidi A [], Volume: 210 Issue: 8 Pages: 1476

Michele Perego, Gabriele Seguini, Marco Fanciulli

ToF‐SIMS study of phosphorus diffusion in low‐dimensional silicon structures

Surface and interface analysis [], Volume: 45 Issue: 1 Pages: 386-389

Michele Perego, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, Paolo Pellegrino

Organized Nanostructures and Nano-objects: Fabrication, characterization and applications Preface

Phys. Status Solidi A [], Volume: 210 Issue: 8 Pages: 1476

M Perego, A Molle, G Seguini

Electronic properties at the oxide interface with silicon and germanium through x-ray induced oxide charging

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 101 Issue: 21 Pages: 211606

J Fiedler, V Heera, R Skrotzki, T Herrmannsdörfer, M Voelskow, A Mücklich, S Facsko, H Reuther, M Perego, K-H Heinig, B Schmidt, W Skorupa, G Gobsch, M Helm

Superconducting Ga-overdoped Ge layers capped with SiO 2: structural and transport investigations

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 85 Issue: 13 Pages: 134530

Luca Lamagna, Claudia Wiemer, Michele Perego, Sabina Spiga, Jesus Rodriguez, David Santiago Coll, Maria Elena Grillo, Sylwia Klejna, Simon D Elliott

Mechanisms for substrate-enhanced growth during the early stages of atomic layer deposition of alumina onto silicon nitride surfaces

Chemistry of Materials [American Chemical Society], Volume: 24 Issue: 6 Pages: 1080-1090

M Perego, G Seguini

Charging phenomena in dielectric/semiconductor heterostructures during x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 110 Issue: 5 Pages: 053711

G Seguini, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, P Pellegrino, M Perego

The energy band alignment of Si nanocrystals in SiO2

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 99 Issue: 8 Pages: 082107

A Andreozzi, L Lamagna, G Seguini, M Fanciulli, S Schamm-Chardon, C Castro, M Perego

The fabrication of tunable nanoporous oxide surfaces by block copolymer lithography andatomic layer deposition

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 22 Issue: 33 Pages: 335303

A Andreozzi, L Lamagna, G Seguini, M Fanciulli, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, Celia Castro, M Perego

The fabrication of tunable nanoporous oxide surfaces by block copolymer lithography and atomic layer deposition

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 22 Issue: 33 Pages: 335303

Patrizio Benzo, Laura Cattaneo, Cosmin Farcau, Andrea Andreozzi, Michele Perego, Gérard Benassayag, Béatrice Pécassou, Robert Carles, Caroline Bonafos

Stability of Ag nanocrystals synthesized by ultra-low energy ion implantation in SiO2 matrices

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 109 Issue: 10 Pages: 103524

C Wiemer, S Baldovino, L Lamagna, M Perego, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, M Fanciulli

Structural and electrical properties of Er-doped HfO 2 and of its interface with Ge (001)

Microelectronic engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 88 Issue: 4 Pages: 415-418

A Andreozzi, E Poliani, G Seguini, M Perego

The effect of random copolymer on the characteristic dimensions of cylinder-forming PS-b-PMMA thin films

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 22 Issue: 18 Pages: 185304

L Lamagna, C Wiemer, M Perego, SN Volkos, S Baldovino, D Tsoutsou, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, Pierre-Eugène Coulon, M Fanciulli

O 3-based atomic layer deposition of hexagonal La 2 O 3 films on Si (100) and Ge (100) substrates

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 108 Issue: 8 Pages: 084108

C Wiemer, L Lamagna, S Baldovino, M Perego, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, Pierre-Eugène Coulon, O Salicio, G Congedo, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Dielectric properties of Er− doped HfO 2 (Er∼ 15%) grown by atomic layer deposition for high-κ gate stacks

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 96 Issue: 18 Pages: 182901

Ileana Alicia Zucchi, Emanuele Poliani, Michele Perego

Microdomain orientation dependence on thickness in thin films of cylinder-forming PS-b-PMMA

Nanotechnology [Iop Publishing], Volume: 21 Issue: 18 Pages: 185304

M Alessandri, A Del Vitto, R Piagge, A Sebastiani, C Scozzari, C Wiemer, L Lamagna, M Perego, G Ghidini, M Fanciulli

Rare earth-based high-k materials for non-volatile memory applications

Microelectronic engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 87 Issue: 3 Pages: 290-293

M Perego, G Seguini, C Wiemer, M Fanciulli, PE Coulon, C Bonafos

Si nanocrystal synthesis in HfO {sub 2}/SiO/HfO {sub 2} multilayer structures

Nanotechnology (Print) [], Volume: 21

M Perego, G Seguini, C Wiemer, M Fanciulli, PE Coulon, C Bonafos

Si nanocrystal synthesis in HfO2/SiO/HfO2 multilayer structures

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 21 Issue: 5 Pages: 055606

Michele Perego, Caroline Bonafos, Marco Fanciulli

Phosphorus doping of ultra-small silicon nanocrystals

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Pages: 025602

L Lamagna, C Wiemer, S Baldovino, A Molle, M Perego, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, Pierre-Eugène Coulon, M Fanciulli

Thermally induced permittivity enhancement in La-doped ZrO 2 grown by atomic layer deposition on Ge (100)

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 95 Issue: 12 Pages: 122902

C Gaumer, E Martinez, S Lhostis, C Wiemer, M Perego, V Loup, D Lafond, J-M Fabbri

Chemical and structural properties of a TaN/HfO2 gate stack processed using atomic vapor deposition

Journal of The Electrochemical Society [IOP Publishing], Volume: 156 Issue: 7 Pages: G78

E Katsia, N Huby, G Tallarida, B Kutrzeba-Kotowska, M Perego, S Ferrari, Frederik C Krebs, E Guziewicz, M Godlewski, V Osinniy, G Luka

Poly (3-hexylthiophene)/ZnO hybrid pn junctions for microelectronics applications

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 94 Issue: 14 Pages: 143501


Chemical and Structural Properties of a TaN

Journal of the Electrochemical Society [Electrochemical Society], Volume: 156 Issue: 7

S Spiga, A Lamperti, C Wiemer, M Perego, E Cianci, G Tallarida, HL Lu, M Alia, FG Volpe, M Fanciulli

Resistance switching in amorphous and crystalline binary oxides grown by electron beam evaporation and atomic layer deposition

Microelectronic Engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 85 Issue: 12 Pages: 2414-2419

A Lamperti, S Spiga, HL Lu, C Wiemer, M Perego, E Cianci, M Alia, M Fanciulli

Study of the interfaces in resistive switching NiO thin films deposited by both ALD and e-beam coupled with different electrodes (Si, Ni, Pt, W, TiN)

Microelectronic Engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 85 Issue: 12 Pages: 2425-2429

A Molle, S Spiga, Md NK Bhuiyan, G Tallarida, M Perego, C Wiemer, Marco Fanciulli

Atomic oxygen-assisted molecular beam deposition of Gd 2 O 3 films for ultra-scaled Ge-based electronic devices

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing [Pergamon], Volume: 11 Issue: 5 Pages: 236-240

Clement Gaumer, Eugenie Martinez, Sandrine Lhostis, Claudia Wiemer, Michele Perego, Virginie Loup, Dominique Lafond, Jean-Marc Fabbri

Interface Study in a" Metal/High-k" Gate Stack: Tantalum Nitride on Hafnium Oxide

ECS Transactions [IOP Publishing], Volume: 16 Issue: 5 Pages: 99

M Perego, G Seguini, M Fanciulli

XPS and IPE analysis of HfO 2 band alignment with high-mobility semiconductors

Materials science in semiconductor processing [Pergamon], Volume: 11 Issue: 5-6 Pages: 221-225

A Molle, S Spiga, Md NK Bhuiyan, G Tallarida, M Perego, C Wiemer, Marco Fanciulli

Atomic oxygen-assisted molecular beam deposition of Gd2O3 films for ultra-scaled Ge-based electronic devices

Materials science in semiconductor processing [Pergamon], Volume: 11 Issue: 5-6 Pages: 236-240

HL Lu, G Scarel, C Wiemer, M Perego, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, G Pavia

Atomic layer deposition of NiO films on Si (100) using cyclopentadienyl-type compounds and ozone as precursors

Journal of The Electrochemical Society [IOP Publishing], Volume: 155 Issue: 10 Pages: H807

M Perego, G Seguini, G Scarel, M Fanciulli, F Wallrapp

Energy band alignment at Ti O 2∕ Si interface with various interlayers

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 103 Issue: 4 Pages: 043509

M Perego, A Molle, M Fanciulli

Effect of oxygen on the electronic configuration of Gd 2 O 3∕ Ge heterojunctions

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 92 Issue: 4 Pages: 042106

R Mantovan, M Georgieva, M Perego, HL Lu, S Cocco, A Zenkevich, G Scarel, M Fanciulli

Atomic layer deposition of magnetic thin films


G Seguini, M Perego, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, A Dimoulas

Conduction band offset of Hf O 2 on GaAs

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 91 Issue: 19 Pages: 192902

V Cosnier, P Besson, V Loup, L Vandroux, S Minoret, M Cassé, X Garros, JM Pedini, S Lhostis, K Dabertrand, C Morin, C Wiemer, M Perego, M Fanciulli

Understanding of the thermal stability of the hafnium oxide/TiN stack via 2 “high k” and 2 metal deposition techniques

Microelectronic engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 84 Issue: 9-10 Pages: 1886-1889

V Ioannou-Sougleridis, P Dimitrakis, V Em Vamvakas, P Normand, Caroline Bonafos, S Schamm, Nikolay Cherkashin, G Ben Assayag, M Perego, M Fanciulli

Oxide-nitride-oxide memory stacks formed by low-energy Si ion implantation into nitride and wet oxidation

Microelectronic engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 84 Issue: 9-10 Pages: 1986-1989

Alessandro Molle, Michele Perego, Md Nurul Kabir Bhuiyan, Claudia Wiemer, Grazia Tallarida, Marco Fanciulli

The interface between Gd 2 O 3 films and Ge (001): A comparative study between molecular and atomic oxygen mediated growths

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 102 Issue: 3 Pages: 034513

V Ioannou-Sougleridis, P Dimitrakis, V Em Vamvakas, P Normand, Caroline Bonafos, S Schamm, Nikolay Cherkashin, Gérard Ben Assayag, M Perego, M Fanciulli

Wet oxidation of nitride layer implanted with low-energy Si ions for improved oxide-nitride-oxide memory stacks

Applied physics letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 90 Issue: 26 Pages: 263513

M Perego, G Scarel, M Fanciulli, IL Fedushkin, AA Skatova

Fabrication of Ge O 2 layers using a divalent Ge precursor

Applied physics letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 90 Issue: 16 Pages: 162115

Daniel Mathiot, Michele Perego, Marco Fanciulli, Gérard Ben Assayag

Evidence for a dose dependence for thermal redistribution of implanted silicon in SiO 2

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 254 Issue: 1 Pages: 139-142

M Perego, G Seguini, M Fanciulli

Energy band alignment of HfO 2 on Ge

Journal of applied physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 100 Issue: 9 Pages: 093718

M Perego, S Ferrari, M Fanciulli

Comparative study of negative cluster emission in sputtering of Si, Ge and their oxides

Applied surface science [North-Holland], Volume: 252 Issue: 19 Pages: 7236-7238

M Perego, M Fanciulli, Caroline Bonafos, Nikolay Cherkashin

Synthesis of mono and bi-layer of Si nanocrystals embedded in a dielectric matrix by e-beam evaporation of SiO/SiO 2 thin films

Materials Science and Engineering: C [Elsevier], Volume: 26 Issue: 5-7 Pages: 835-839

M Perego, G Seguini, G Scarel, M Fanciulli

X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of energy‐band alignments of Lu2O3 on Ge

Surface and Interface Analysis: An International Journal devoted to the development and application of techniques for the analysis of surfaces, interfaces and thin films [John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.], Volume: 38 Issue: 4 Pages: 494-497

A Claverie, C Bonafos, GB Assayag, S Schamm, N Cherkashin, V Paillard, P Dimitrakis, E Kapetenakis, D Tsoukalas, T Muller, B Schmidt, KH Heinig, M Perego, M Fanciulli, D Mathiot, M Carrada, P Normand

Special Session III-Electronic Materials-Materials Science Issues for the Fabrication of Nanocrystal Memory Devices by Ultra Low Energy Ion Implantation

Defect and Diffusion Forum [], Volume: 258 Pages: 531

M Perego, S Ferrari, M Fanciulli

Negative cluster emission in sputtering of Si 1− x Ge x alloys: a full spectrum approach

Surface science [North-Holland], Volume: 599 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 141-149

D Skarlatos, C Tsamis, M Perego, M Fanciulli, D Tsoukalas

Interstitial injection during oxidation of very low energy nitrogen-implanted silicon

Materials Science and Engineering: B [Elsevier], Volume: 124 Pages: 314-318

D Skarlatos, C Tsamis, M Perego, M Fanciulli

Oxidation-enhanced diffusion of boron in very low-energy N 2+-implanted silicon

Journal of applied physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 97 Issue: 11 Pages: 113534

Nikolay Cherkashin, Caroline Bonafos, H Coffin, Marzia Carrada, S Schamm, Gérard Ben Assayag, D Chassaing, P Dimitrakis, P Normand, M Perego, M Fanciulli, T Muller, KH Heinig, Alain Claverie

Fabrication of nanocrystal memories by ultra low energy ion implantation

physica status solidi (c) [WILEY‐VCH Verlag], Volume: 2 Issue: 6 Pages: 1907-1911

Michele Perego, Gianluca Barin, Riccardo Chiarcos, Michele Laus, Enrico Napolitani

Doping of silicon by phosphorus end-terminated polymers: shallow junction formation by thermal and laser annealing

2023 21st International Workshop on Junction Technology (IWJT) [IEEE], Pages: 1-2

Ahmed Gharbi, Patricia Pimenta-Barros, Olivia Saouaf, Gabriel Reynaud, Laurent Pain, Raluca Tiron, Christophe Navarro, Célia Nicolet, Ian Cayrefourcq, Michele Perego, Francesc Perez-Murano, Esteve Amat, Marta Fernandez-Regulez

Pillars fabrication by DSA lithography: material and process options

Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXV [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 10586 Pages: 105860Q

B Han, Yasuo Shimizu, Gabriele Seguini, Elisa Arduca, Celia Castro, Gérard Benassayag, Koji Inoue, Yasuyochi Nagai, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, Michele Perego

Characterization of Si Nanocrystals Embedded in SiO2 Matrix by Atom Probe Tomography

EMN Meeting on Nanocrystals [],

Yasuo Shimizu, Bin Han, Gabriele Seguini, Elisa Arduca, Celia Castro, Gerard Ben Assayag, Koji Inoue, Yasuyoshi Nagai, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, Michele Perego

Three-Dimensional Analysis of Phosphorus-Doped Si Nanocrystals Embedded in SiO2 Matrix by Atom Probe Tomography

JSAP Annual Meetings Extended Abstracts The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2016 [The Japan Society of Applied Physics], Pages: 1841-1841

P Tiberto, F Celegato, G Barrera, G Conta, M Coisson, A Manzin, G Aprile, L Boarino, G Seguini, F Ferrarese Lupi, T Giammaria, M Perego

Magnetic hysteresis in array of magnetic nanostructures by block copolymers

2015 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG) [IEEE], Pages: 1-1

Bin Han, Yasuo Shimizu, Koji Inoue, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego, Yasuyoshi Nagai

Atomic Characterization of Si Nanocrystals Embedded in SiO2 Matrix by Atom Probe Tomography

JSAP Annual Meetings Extended Abstracts The 62nd JSAP Spring Meeting 2015 [The Japan Society of Applied Physics], Pages: 1774-1774

Castro Celia, A Andreozzi, Gérard Benassayag, Ana Beltran, G Seguini, M Perego, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon

EFTEM studies on the localization of silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 for nano-devices

Proceeding of the 15th European Microscopy Conference [],

Celia Castro, A Andreozzi, Gérard Benassayag, Ana Beltran, G Seguini, M Perego, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon

EFTEM studies on the localization of silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 for nano-devices

Proceeding of the 15th European Microscopy Conference [],

X Garros, M Casse, C Fenouillet-Beranger, G Reimbold, F Martin, C Gaumer, C Wiemer, M Perego, F Boulanger

Detrimental impact of technological processes on BTI reliability of advanced high-k/metal gate stacks

2009 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium [IEEE], Pages: 362-366

U Russo, Daniele Ielmini, Carlo Cagli, Andrea Leonardo Lacaita, Silvia Spiga, C Wiemer, M Perego, M Fanciulli

Conductive-filament switching analysis and self-accelerated thermal dissolution model for reset in NiO-based RRAM

2007 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting [IEEE], Pages: 775-778

O Jambois, A Perez-Rodriguez, P Pellegrino, Josep Carreras, M Peralvarez, Caroline Bonafos, S Schamm, Gérard Benassayag, Vincent Paillard, M Perego, B Garrido

Electroluminescence from C-and Si-rich silicon oxides in continuous wave and pulsed excitation

2007 Spanish Conference on Electron Devices [IEEE], Pages: 1-4

Marco Fanciulli, Michele Perego, Caroline Bonafos, Anas Mouti, Sylvie Schamm, Gerard Benassayag

Nanocrystals in high-k dielectric stacks for non-volatile memory applications

Advances in Science and Technology [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 51 Pages: 156-166

Alain Claverie, Caroline Bonafos, G Ben Assayag, S Schamm, Nikolay Cherkashin, Vincent Paillard, P Dimitrakis, E Kapetenakis, Dimitris Tsoukalas, T Muller, Bernd Schmidt, KH Heinig, M Perego, Marco Fanciulli, D Mathiot, Marzia Carrada, P Normand

Materials science issues for the fabrication of nanocrystal memory devices by ultra low energy ion implantation

Defect and Diffusion Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 258 Pages: 531-541

Michele Perego, Gabriele Seguini, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE


US20160082472 [],

Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego, Marco Fanciulli

Experimental determination of the band offset of rare earth oxides on various semiconductors

Rare Earth Oxide Thin Films [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 269-283

Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego, Marco Fanciulli

Experimental Determination of the Band Offset of Rare Earth Oxides on Various Semiconductors

Rare Earth Oxide Thin Films [],