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Scientific Productions
Trace-free Einstein gravity as a constrained bigravity theory
Physical Review D [American Physical Society], Volume: 110 Issue: 6 Pages: 064057
Human Reproduction [Oxford University Press], Volume: 39 Issue: Supplement_1 Pages: deae108. 903
Information, Coding, and Biological Function: The Dynamics of Life
Artificial Life [MIT Press], Pages: 1-12
Diffeomorphism-invariant action principles for trace-free Einstein gravity
Physical Review D [American Physical Society], Volume: 108 Issue: 12 Pages: 124013
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.11848 [],
Generalized quantum geometric tensor for excited states using the path integral approach
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.11525 [],
University student retention analysis using quantitative tools data-based
AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing], Volume: 2731 Issue: 1
Preface: IWoSP-2021 International Workshop on Statistical Physics
IWOSP 2021, INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON STATISTICAL PHYSICS [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 2731 Issue: 1 Pages: 010001
Classical analogs of generalized purities, entropies, and logarithmic negativity
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.02887 [],
Method for the analysis of volatile compounds in virgin olive oil by SPME-GC-MS or SPME-GC-FID
MethodsX [Elsevier], Pages: 101972
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.06849 [],
Ubicación y dimensionamiento óptimo de Generación Distribuida en redes de distribución usando PSO
I+ D Tecnológico [], Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Pages: 50-68
Quantum metric tensor of the Dicke model: Analytical and numerical study
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 105 Issue: 21 Pages: 214106
KaiC-like proteins improve stress resistance in environmental Pseudomonas species
bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory],
bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory],
Los suplementos proteicos como fuente de Na, Mg, K, Ca, Fe y Zn
Farm. comunitarios (Internet) [], Pages: 1-1
Classical analogs of the covariance matrix, purity, linear entropy, and von Neumann entropy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.10899 [],
Generalizations of the Nieh-Yan topological invariant
Physical Review D [American Physical Society], Volume: 104 Issue: 8 Pages: 084020
Analyzing the 2019 Chilean social outbreak: Modelling Latin American economies
Plos one [Public Library of Science], Volume: 16 Issue: 8 Pages: e0256037
Classical description of the parameter space geometry in the Dicke and Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick models
Physical Review E [American Physical Society], Volume: 104 Issue: 1 Pages: 014113
Human Reproduction [Oxford University Press], Volume: 36 Issue: Supplement_1 Pages: deab130. 531
Quantum geometric tensor and quantum phase transitions in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 103 Issue: 17 Pages: 174104
Droplet printing reveals the importance of micron-scale structure for bacterial ecology
Nature communications [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-12
Off-shell Noether currents and potentials for first-order general relativity
Symmetry [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Pages: 348
Efectividad de intervención educativa sobre estilos de vida en adultos mayores. Nueva Paz 2019-2020
QhaliKay.[Revista de Ciencias de la Salud] [], Volume: 5 Pages: 29-37
Reflexiones sobre manejo adecuado de cadena de custodia en nuevo proceso penal
Semilla científica: Revista de investigación formativa [Universidad UMECIT], Pages: 451-457
bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory],
Reflexiones sobre manejo adecuado de cadena de custodia en nuevo proceso penal
Semilla científica: Revista de investigación formativa [Universidad UMECIT], Pages: 451-457
Breaking antimicrobial resistance by disrupting extracytoplasmic protein folding
bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory],
bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory],
First results from the Mrk 335 Intensive Disc Reverberation Mapping campaign
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts [], Volume: 53 Issue: 1 Pages: 226.07
Revisiting the experimental test of Mermin's inequalities at IBMQ
International Journal of Theoretical Physics [Springer US], Volume: 59 Issue: 12 Pages: 3756-3768
Phase space formulation of the Abelian and non-Abelian quantum geometric tensor
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical [IOP Publishing], Volume: 53 Issue: 50 Pages: 505305
Dynamical Systems, Celestial Mechanics, and Music: Pythagoras Revisited
The Mathematical Intelligencer [Springer US], Pages: 1-15
Revista Espanola de Enfermadades Digestivas (REED) [Sociedad Espanola de Patologia Digestivas], Volume: 112 Issue: 11 Pages: 838-843
Local frustration determines loop opening during the catalytic cycle of an oxidoreductase
Elife [eLife Sciences Publications Limited], Volume: 9 Pages: e54661
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.10207 [],
Optimum location and sizing of capacitor banks using VOLT VAR compensation in micro-grids
IEEE Latin America Transactions [IEEE], Volume: 18 Issue: 03 Pages: 465-472
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.00624 [],
Revista de Odontopediatría Latinoamericana [], Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Pages: 144-150
Geometry of the parameter space of a quantum system: Classical point of view
Annalen der Physik [], Volume: 532 Issue: 2 Pages: 1900215
Geometry of the parameter space of a quantum system: Classical point of view
Annalen der Physik [], Volume: 532 Issue: 2 Pages: 1900215
The gauge symmetries of f (R) gravity with torsion in the Cartan formalism
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.08759 [],
The gauge symmetries of gravity with torsion in the Cartan formalism
Classical and Quantum Gravity [IOP Publishing], Volume: 37 Issue: 4 Pages: 045008
The gauge symmetries of gravity with torsion in the Cartan formalism
Classical and Quantum Gravity [IOP Publishing], Volume: 37 Issue: 4 Pages: 045008
PLoS genetics [Public Library of Science], Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Pages: e1008591
PLoS genetics [Public Library of Science], Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Pages: e1008591
Punciones renales guiadas por ecoendoscopia: experiencia de un centro de tercer nivel
Rev. esp. enferm. dig [], Pages: 838-842
Rumer’s transformation: A symmetry puzzle standing for half a century
Biosystems [Elsevier], Volume: 187 Pages: 104036
A role for circular code properties in translation
bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory],
On the origin of degeneracy in the genetic code
Interface focus [The Royal Society], Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 20190038
Rumer’s transformation: a symmetry puzzle standing for half a century
Biosystems [Elsevier], Pages: 104036
Renewable Energy [Pergamon], Volume: 133 Pages: 1327-1337
Classical analog of the quantum metric tensor
Physical Review E [American Physical Society], Volume: 99 Issue: 3 Pages: 032144
Local frustration determines loop opening in protein-protein association
bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory], Pages: 686949
Educación química [Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Química], Volume: 30 Issue: 2 Pages: 100-113
Educación química [Facultad de Química], Volume: 30 Issue: 2 Pages: 100-113
Journal of Luminescence [North-Holland], Volume: 204 Pages: 401-409
Classical analog of the quantum information metric
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.09259 [],
Journal of Biological Chemistry [Elsevier], Volume: 293 Issue: 43 Pages: 16778-16790
The gauge symmetries of first-order general relativity with matter fields
Classical and Quantum Gravity [IOP Publishing], Volume: 35 Issue: 20 Pages: 205005
Book of Abstracts of the 16th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo, Belfast (Northern Ireland) [], Pages: 16-19
Probabilistic Inference for Dynamical Systems
Entropy [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 20 Issue: 9 Pages: 696
Costs and benefits of provocation in bacterial warfare
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [National Academy of Sciences], Volume: 115 Issue: 29 Pages: 7593-7598
Polynomial -type action for general relativity and anti-self-dual gravity
Physical Review D [American Physical Society], Volume: 97 Issue: 12 Pages: 124055
Implications of Superstatistics for steady-state plasmas
Journal of Physics: Conference Series [IOP Publishing], Volume: 1043 Issue: 1 Pages: 012011
Expectation values of general observables in the Vlasov formalism
Journal of Physics: Conference Series [IOP Publishing], Volume: 1043 Issue: 1 Pages: 012008
Bonaventura Cavalieri and Bologna
The Mathematical Intelligencer [Springer US], Volume: 40 Issue: 2 Pages: 21-29
Bacteria use collective behavior to generate diverse combat strategies
Current Biology [Cell Press], Volume: 28 Issue: 3 Pages: 345-355. e4
Food integrity handbook: a guide to food authenticity issues and analytical solutions, Eurofins. https://doi. org/10.32741/fihb [],
Impact [Science Impact Ltd], Volume: 2017 Issue: 10 Pages: 55-57
Reformulation of the symmetries of first-order general relativity
Classical and Quantum Gravity [IOP Publishing], Volume: 34 Issue: 20 Pages: 205002
EU project OLEUM: Better solutions to protect olive oil quality and authenticity
Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech [TeknoScienze], Volume: 28 Issue: 5 Pages: 2-3
Jarzynski equality in the context of maximum path entropy
AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing], Volume: 1853 Issue: 1 Pages: 080003
Jarzynski equality in the context of maximum path entropy
AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing], Volume: 1853 Issue: 1 Pages: 080003
Scientific reports [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-16
Predicting extra virgin olive oil freshness during storage by fluorescence spectroscopy
Grasas y aceites [Instituto de la Grasa], Volume: 68 Issue: 4 Pages: 5
Priority Rules Performance Analysis as a GA Initial Population for RCMPSP
Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management [], Pages: 1201-1211
Histiocitosis de Células de Langerhans
Revista de Odontopediatría Latinoamericana [], Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Pages: 7-7
Continuity equation for probability as a requirement of inference over paths
The European Physical Journal B [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Volume: 89 Issue: 10 Pages: 1-5
M\" obius strips before M\" obius: Topological hints in ancient representations
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.07779 [],
The pUltra plasmid series: A robust and flexible tool for fluorescent labeling of Enterobacteria
Plasmid [Academic Press], Volume: 87 Pages: 65-71
Infância e adolescência no Uruguai: uma aproximação a partir da perspectiva da governamentalidade
Ayvu: Revista de Psicologia [], Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Pages: 42-70
Liouville’s theorem from the principle of maximum caliber in phase space
AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing], Volume: 1757 Issue: 1 Pages: 020003
Functional identities in superstatistics
AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing], Volume: 1757 Issue: 1 Pages: 060009
Möbius Strips Before Möbius: Topological Hints in Ancient Representations
The Mathematical Intelligencer [Springer US], Volume: 38 Issue: 2 Pages: 69-76
Plebanski-like action for general relativity and anti-self-dual gravity
Physical Review D [American Physical Society], Volume: 93 Issue: 10 Pages: 104058
The Maximum Caliber principle applied to continuous systems
Journal of Physics: Conference Series [IOP Publishing], Volume: 720 Issue: 1 Pages: 012006
The non-power model of the genetic code: a paradigm for interpreting genomic information
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences [The Royal Society Publishing], Volume: 374 Issue: 2063 Pages: 20150062
A Bayesian Interpretation of First-Order Phase Transitions
Foundations of Physics [Springer US], Volume: 46 Issue: 3 Pages: 350-359
Inform [], Volume: 60 Pages: 23-37
The pUltra plasmid series: A robust and flexible tool for fluorescent labeling of Enterobacteria
Plasmid [Elsevier BV], Volume: 87
Dinucleotide circular codes and bijective transformations
Journal of theoretical biology [Academic Press], Volume: 386 Pages: 159-165
Ingeniería [Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas], Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Pages: 299-315
Post-traumatic stress disorder in adults victims of fire in Valparaiso, Chile, April 2014
Journal of the Neurological Sciences [Elsevier], Volume: 357 Pages: e219-e220
Genomic adaptations to the loss of a conserved bacterial DNA methyltransferase
MBio [American Society for Microbiology], Volume: 6 Issue: 4
Circular codes, symmetries and transformations
Journal of mathematical biology [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Volume: 70 Issue: 7 Pages: 1623-1644
Abstracts/Journal of the Neurological Sciences [], Volume: 357 Pages: e215-e234
Effects of (p) ppGpp on the progression of the cell cycle of Caulobacter crescentus
Journal of bacteriology [American Society for Microbiology Journals], Volume: 196 Issue: 14 Pages: 2514-2525
The functions of DNA methylation by CcrM in Caulobacter crescentus: a global approach
Nucleic acids research [Oxford University Press], Volume: 42 Issue: 6 Pages: 3720-3735
Grasas y aceites [Instituto de la Grasa], Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 2
Global methylation state at base-pair resolution of the Caulobacter genome throughout the cell cycle
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [National Academy of Sciences], Volume: 110 Issue: 48 Pages: E4658-E4667
Outsourcing in Higher Education.
Journal of International Diversity [], Issue: 3
Brinicles as a case of inverse chemical gardens
Langmuir [American Chemical Society], Volume: 29 Issue: 25 Pages: 7655-7660
Molecular microbiology [], Volume: 88 Issue: 1 Pages: 203-218
Geologia senza Frontiere ONLUS: notiziario [], Issue: 17 Pages: 4-6
Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering [American Institute of Mathematical Sciences], Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Pages: 199
DNA, dichotomic classes and frame synchronization: a quasi-crystal framework
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences [The Royal Society Publishing], Volume: 370 Issue: 1969 Pages: 2987-3006
Nature precedings [Nature Publishing Group UK], Volume: 7 Pages: 1-1
«Prendiamoci cura del Pianeta» Un decennio di educazione ambientale
Media Education [], Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Pages: 235-242
Grasas y aceites [Instituto de la Grasa], Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 26-34
Justicia transicional en Colombia
Colombia: un nuevo modelo de justicia transicional [GIZ], Pages: 11-114
Regulation of the activity of the dual-function DnaA protein in Caulobacter crescentus
PLoS One [Public Library of Science], Volume: 6 Issue: 10 Pages: e26028
Circular codes revisited: a statistical approach
Journal of Theoretical Biology [Academic Press], Volume: 275 Issue: 1 Pages: 21-28
A minimal dynamical model for tidal synchronization and orbit circularization
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 109 Issue: 2 Pages: 181-200
APS Four Corners Section Meeting Abstracts [], Pages: E1. 055
Two musical paths to the Farey series and devil's staircase
Journal of Mathematics and Music [Taylor & Francis], Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Pages: 57-74
The mathematical structure of the genetic code: a tool for inquiring on the origin of life
Statistica [Department of Statistics, University of Bologna], Volume: 69 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 143-157
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts [], Volume: 2008 Pages: T23B-2013
Strong short-range correlations and dichotomic codon classes in coding DNA sequences
Physical review E [American Physical Society], Volume: 78 Issue: 5 Pages: 051918
Nonlinear dynamics approach to pitch perception and harmony.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America [Acoustical Society of America], Volume: 124 Issue: 4 Pages: 2470-2470
Dynamics of tidal synchronization and orbit circularization of celestial bodies
Physical Review E [American Physical Society], Volume: 78 Issue: 3 Pages: 036216
Efecto exportador y tratado comercial con Estados Unidos: una evaluación coyuntural
Documento de Trabajo [], Issue: 2008-02
La evaluación externa en seis países de América Latina: Balances y retos
Editorial Bonaventuriana. Colombia [],
The dynamics of a sensory apparatus: The case of the auditory system
AIP Conference Proceedings [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 887 Issue: 1 Pages: 29-39
Testing chaotic dynamics in systems with two positive Lyapunov exponents: a bootstrap solution
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos [World Scientific Publishing Company], Volume: 17 Issue: 01 Pages: 169-182
Grasas y aceites [Instituto de la Grasa], Volume: 58 Issue: 4 Pages: 344-350
Detecting structure in parity binary sequences
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine [IEEE], Volume: 25 Issue: 1 Pages: 69-81
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine [], Pages: 2
Demonstration of measurement and recording for acoustic quadraphony
IP-RACINE deliverable [], Volume: 7 Issue: 2
Convolving a clarinet with a piano
Proceedings of the [], Pages: 347-351
Quadraphonic impulse responses for acoustic enhancement of audio tracks: measurement and analysis
Forum Acusticum [], Pages: 335-340
Advanced LPC techniques of voice regeneration for “Virtual Dubbing”
Proc. of the 2005 Forum Acusticum,(Budapest, Hungary) [], Pages: 325-330
Embryo quality needs to be considered as a main criterion when selecting mosaic embryos for transfer
Aroma del aceite de oliva virgen: interpretación química de la percepción sensorial
Las bondades del consumo de aceite de oliva virgen [Universidade de Vigo], Pages: 23-38
Development of high performance particle in cell code for the exascale age
APS Meeting Abstracts [],
Pediatric Blood & Cancer [WILEY-BLACKWELL], Volume: 62 Pages: S125-S125
WP4-Olive oil integrity: joining quality and authenticity
2nd Food integrity conference: assuring the integrity of the food chain: food authenticity research priorities and funding opportunities [],
Optimized artificial magnetic conductor design using CG-FFT and BPSO
2012 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP) [IEEE], Pages: 3609-3613
Nonlinear Dynamics, the Missing Fundamental, and Harmony
International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 168-188
Nonlinear Dynamics, the Missing Fundamental, and Harmony
International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 168-188
Voice transformation algorithms with real time DSP rapid prototyping tools
2005 13th European Signal Processing Conference [IEEE], Pages: 1-4
Proceedings of the first international conference on advances in nanomaterials and devices for energy and environment: abstract proceeding [],
NuGinga: a JavaScript Driven Implementation of Brazilian Digital TV Middleware for Android
Proceedings of the 24th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web [], Pages: 423-426
GC-IMS screening to cluster the sensory grades of virgin olive oils
16th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo. Book of Abstracts [], Pages: 271-271
Dichotomic Classes and Entropy Optimization in Coding Sequences
Code biology 2018, book of abstracts [], Pages: 34-34
9th International Congress of food technologists, biotechnologists and nutritionists: book of abstracts [], Pages: 19-19
Food Integrity Handbook: A Guide to Food Autenticity Issues and Analytical Solutions [Eurofins Analytics France],
The EU H2020 OLEUM Project: state of play and first advancements
Book of abstract Foodintegrity 2017 Conference [Sale in zucca], Pages: 98-99
15th Euro Fed Lipid Congress. Book of abstracts [], Pages: 137-137
Cardiac Fibrillation-Defibrillation: Clinical and Engineering Aspects [], Pages: 189-228
The mathematical structure of the genetic code
The Codes of Life [Springer, Dordrecht], Pages: 111-152
Error detection and correction codes
The Codes of Life [Springer, Dordrecht], Pages: 379-394