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Gian Giuseppe
Research Director
39 051 639 9157
Curriculum (PDF): 

Scientific Productions

M Chiarini, M Bellettato, GG Bentini, F Bonafè, I Elmi, V Morandi, G Pizzochero, F Tamarri

Fully programmable holographic diffraction grating for NIR synthetic spectra generation in correlation spectroscopy

Optics Continuum [Optica Publishing Group], Volume: 3 Issue: 10 Pages: 1833-1845

P De Nicola, S Sugliani, GB Montanari, A Menin, P Vergani, A Meroni, M Astolfi, M Borsetto, G Consonni, R Longone, A Nubile, M Chiarini, M Bianconi, GG Bentini

Fabrication of Smooth Ridge Optical Waveguides in LiNbO 3 by Ion Implantation-Assisted Wet Etching

Journal of Lightwave Technology [IEEE], Volume: 31 Issue: 9 Pages: 1482-1487

P De Nicola, S Sugliani, GB Montanari, A Menin, P Vergani, A Meroni, M Astolfi, M Borsetto, G Consonni, R Longone, A Nubile, M Chiarini, M Bianconi, GG Bentini

Fabrication of Smooth Ridge Optical Waveguides inby Ion Implantation-Assisted Wet Etching

Journal of lightwave technology [IEEE], Volume: 31 Issue: 9 Pages: 1482-1487

Simone Sugliania, Pietro De Nicolaa, Giovanni Battista Montanaria, Alessio Nubilea, Angela Menina, Fulvio Mancarellab, Paolo Verganic, Andrea Meronic, Marco Astolfic, Marco Borsettoc, Guido Consonnic, Roberto Longonec, Marco Chiarinia, Marco Bianconia, Gian Giuseppe Bentinia

High quality surface micromachining of LiNbO3 by ion implantation-assisted etching

Proc. of SPIE Vol [], Volume: 8612 Pages: 86120E-1

GB Montanari, P De Nicola, S Sugliani, A Menin, Alberto Parini, A Nubile, G Bellanca, M Chiarini, M Bianconi, GG Bentini

Step-index optical waveguide produced by multi-step ion implantation in LiNbO 3

Optics express [Optical Society of America], Volume: 20 Issue: 4 Pages: 4444-4453

M Bianconi, GG Bentini, M Chiarini, P De Nicola, GB Montanari, A Menin, A Nubile, S Sugliani

Simulation of damage induced by ion implantation in Lithium Niobate

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 268 Issue: 22 Pages: 3452-3457

S Sugliani, M Bianconi, GG Bentini, M Chiarini, P De Nicola, GB Montanari, A Menin, A Malacarne, L Potì

Refractive index tailoring in congruent Lithium Niobate by ion implantation

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 268 Issue: 19 Pages: 2911-2914

M Chiarini, GG Bentini, M Bianconi, P De Nicola

High definition surface micromachining of LiNbO 3 by ion implantation

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 268 Issue: 19 Pages: 3049-3054

M Bianconi, GG Bentini, M Chiarini, P De Nicola, GB Montanari, A Nubile, S Sugliani

Defect engineering and micromachining of Lithium Niobate by ion implantation

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 267 Issue: 17 Pages: 2839-2845

GG Bentini, M Chiarini, M Bianconi, F Bergamini, D Castaldini, GB Montanari, A Bogoni, L Potì, S Sugliani, A Nubile, P De Nicola, L Gallerani, G Pennestrì, S Petrini

Waveguide formation by ion implantation in Er doped optical materials

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 266 Issue: 12-13 Pages: 3120-3124

M Bianconi, F Bergamini, GG Bentini, A Cerutti, M Chiarini, P De Nicola, G Pennestrì

Modification of the etching properties of x-cut Lithium Niobate by ion implantation

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 266 Issue: 8 Pages: 1238-1241

GG Bentini, A Parini, M Chiarini, M Bianconi, A Cerutti, A Nubile, S Sugliani, G Pennestrì, G Bellanca, S Trillo, S Petrini, M Gallerani, P De Nicola, F Bergamini

Monolithic fully integrated programmable micro diffraction gratings based on electro-optical materials

Proc of SPIE [], Volume: 6593 Pages: 37-47

M Bianconi, N Argiolas, M Bazzan, GG Bentini, A Cerutti, M Chiarini, G Pennestrì, P Mazzoldi, C Sada

Quantification of nuclear damage in high energy ion implanted lithium niobate

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 257 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 597-600

GG Bentini, M Bianconi, A Cerutti, M Chiarini, G Pennestri, C Sada, N Argiolas, M Bazzan, P Mazzoldi

Integrated Mach-Zehnder micro-interferometer on LiNbO 3

Optics and lasers in engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 45 Issue: 3 Pages: 368-372

GG Bentini, A Parini, M Chiarini, M Bianconi, A Cerutti, A Nubile, S Sugliani, G Pennestri, G Bellanca, S Trillo

Monolithic fully integrated programmable micro-diffraction grating based on electro-optical materials [6593-65]

PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING [International Society for Optical Engineering; 1999], Volume: 6593 Pages: 6593

GG Bentini, M Bianconi, A Cerutti, A Nubile, P Cerabolini, M Chiarini, G Pennestrì, W Dinicolantonio, R Guzzi

A New Miniaturised Optical System for Chemical Species Spectroscopic Detection Based on a Scanning Integrated Mach–Zehnder Microinterferometer on LiNbO3

Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres [Kluwer Academic Publishers], Volume: 36 Issue: 5 Pages: 597-603

GG Bentini, M Bianconi, A Cerutti, M Chiarini, G Pennestri, N Argiolas, M Bazzan, P Mazzoldi, C Sada

Photoinduced reflectivity oscillation in Li Nb O 3 crystals irradiated by a KrF laser

Applied physics letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 89 Issue: 11 Pages: 111904

M Bianconi, N Argiolas, M Bazzan, GG Bentini, M Chiarini, A Cerutti, P Mazzoldi, G Pennestrì, C Sada

Nuclear and electronic energy loss synergy in the process of damage growth in ion implanted LiNbO 3

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 249 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 122-125

Gian G Bentini, Res Dir, CNR-IMM Sez di Bologna, Alessio Nubile, Res CNR-IMM Sez di Bologna, Simone Sugliani, Letizia Gallerani


Proceedings of the CANEUS2006 MNT for Aerospace Applications: Presented at CANEUS 2006 MNT for Aerospace Applications: August 27-September 1, 2006, Toulouse, France [American Society of Mechanical Engineers], Pages: 147

P Wang, GG Bentini, M Bianconi, A Cerutti, M Chiarini, P Mazzoldi, G Pennestri, C Sada, L She

Photonic micro and sub-micro structures in LiNbO~ 3 crystals [6029-55]

PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING [International Society for Optical Engineering; 1999], Volume: 6029 Pages: 60291J

GG Bentini, M Bianconi, A Cerutti, M Chiarini, G Pennestri, C Sada, N Argiolas, M Bazzan, P Mazzoldi, R Guzzi

Structural and compositional characterization of X-cut LiNbO 3 crystals implanted with high energy oxygen and carbon ions

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 240 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 174-177

M Bianconi, N Argiolas, M Bazzan, GG Bentini, M Chiarini, A Cerutti, P Mazzoldi, G Pennestrì, C Sada

On the dynamics of the damage growth in 5 MeV oxygen-implanted lithium niobate

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 87 Issue: 7 Pages: 072901

AA Mahasneh, AW Ajlouni, O Abu-Haija, PN Abufager, AE Martinez, RD Rivarola, PD Fainstein, DE Arafah, JD Meyer, H Sharabati, A Mahmoud, DE Arafah, Y Baudniet-Robinet, PD Dumont, HP Garnir, Y Baudinet-Robinet, GG Bentini, E Albertazzi, M Bianconi, R Lotti, G Lulli, M Bianconi, GG Bentini, R Lotti, R Nipoti, WK Chu, JW Mayer, MA Nicolet, A Goluvev, V Turtikov, A Fertman, I Roudsoky, B Sharkov, K Gouri, A Johnson, M Imai, M Sataka, K Kawatsura, K Takahiro, K Komaki, A Itoh, H Tuschida, T Majima, A Yogo, A Ogawa, WN Lennard, D Philips, DAS Walker, K Nakajima, Y Okura, M Suzuki, K Kimura, F Sols, F Flores, AS Stuchbery, AN Wilson, PM Davidson, X Tordoir, T Bastin, PD Dumont, HP Garinir, JF Ziegler, JP Biersack, N Littmark

The Stopping and Range of Ions in Solids.

Journal of Applied Sciences [orgz], Volume: 7 Issue: 11 Pages: 255-259

GG Bentini, M Bianconi, A Cerutti, M Chiarini, P Mazzoldi, G Pennestri, C Sada


Proceedings of 20th Congress of the International Commission for Optics [],

A Parini, M Chiarini, G Basti, GG Bentini

Lithium niobate-based programmable micro-diffraction device for wavelength-selective switching applications

Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security and Defence IV [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 11163 Pages: 111630C

M Chiarini, A Parini, F Braglia, L Braglia, S Braglia, S Farabegoli, A Artoni, A Desalvo, GG Bentini

Theoretic approach to ghost imaging in the frequency domain performed by means of a high brilliance coherent monochromatic source

Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications XVI [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 11159 Pages: 1115905

M Chiarini, A Parini, F Braglia, L Braglia, S Braglia, S Farabegoli, A Artoni, A Desalvo, GG Bentini

Ghost imaging in the frequency domain with a high brilliance coherent monochromatic source: a novel approach to extend spectroscopy sensitivity beyond detectors limits.

Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications XVI [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 11159 Pages: 1115904

G Basti, GG Bentini, M Chiarini, A Parini, A Artoni, F Braglia, S Braglia, S Farabegoli

Sensor for security and safety applications based on a fully integrated monolithic electro-optic programmable micro diffractive device

Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications XVI [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 11159 Pages: 1115907

Marco Chiarini, Gian G Bentini, Agostino Desalvo

Spectroscopy of non-interfering photons through nonlinear integrated optics Mach-Zehnder interferometer

Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Transfer and Processing 2017 [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 10230 Pages: 1023004

Simone Sugliani, Pietro De Nicola, Giovanni Battista Montanari, Alessio Nubile, Angela Menin, Fulvio Mancarella, Paolo Vergani, Andrea Meroni, Marco Astolfi, Marco Borsetto, Guido Consonni, Roberto Longone, Marco Chiarini, Marco Bianconi, Gian Giuseppe Bentini

High quality surface micromachining of LiNbO3 by ion implantation-assisted etching

Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology XVIII [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 8612 Pages: 86120E

GG Bentini, Alberto Parini, M Chiarini, M Bianconi, A Cerutti, A Nubile, S Sugliani, G Pennestrì, Gaetano Bellanca, Stefano Trillo, S Petrini, M Gallerani, P De Nicola, F Bergamini

Monolithic fully integrated programmable micro-diffraction grating based on electro-optical materials

Photonic Materials, Devices, and Applications II [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 6593 Pages: 659325

Pengfei Wang, GG Bentini, M Bianconi, A Cerutti, M Chiarini, P Mazzoldi, G Pennestri, C Sada, Lin She

Photonic micro and sub-micro structures in LiNbO3 crystals

ICO20: Materials and Nanostructures [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 6029 Pages: 60291J

M Chiarini, GG Bentini, M Bianconi, A Cerutti, G Pennestri, Pengfei Wang, Lin She, P Mazzoldi, C Sada

Integrated Mach-Zehnder micro-interferometer for gas trace remote sensing

ICO20: Remote Sensing and Infrared Devices and Systems [International Society for Optics and Photonics], Volume: 6031 Pages: 603106

Marco Chiarini, Paolo Cerabolini, Giuseppe Pennestri, Gian G Bentini, Marco Bianconi, Annalisa Cerutti, Alessio Nubile, Simone Sugliani, Letizia Gallerani, Rodolfo Guzzi

A Multipurpose Flexible Photonic Integrated Micro Device for Space and Earth Applications Based on a Tuneable Resonating Micro Cavity on LiNbO3

CANEUS: MNT for Aerospace Applications [], Volume: 42541 Pages: 147-153

Marco Chiarini, Paolo Cerabolini, Giuseppe Pennestri, Gian G Bentini, Roberto Cocomazzi, Annalisa Cerutti, Alessio Nubile

Monolithic silicon-based microthruster for orbital and attitude control fabricated by using MEMS technologies

CANEUS: MNT for Aerospace Applications [], Volume: 42541 Pages: 111-116

Sheldon Datz, BR Appleton, Charles Dexter Moak

Atomic Collisions in Solids: Volume 1

[Springer Science & Business Media], Volume: 1

Sheldon Datz, BR Appleton, Charles Dexter Moak

Atomic collisions in solids

[Springer Science & Business Media], Volume: 1

Gian Giuseppe Bentini, Marco Chiarini

Integrated Optical Microsystems for Interferometric Analytics

Optical Nano-and Microsystems for Bioanalytics [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 103-153

GIAN Saggiani, Franco Persiani, Alessandro Ceruti, Paolo Tortora, Enrico Troiani, Fabrizio Giulietti, S Amici, MF Buongiorno, GG Bentini, M Bianconi, A Cerutti, A Nubile, S Sugliani, M Chiarini, G Pennestrì, S Petrini, R Guzzi


Proceedings of the RSPSoc Annual Conference 2007 [sl],